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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

1st Glorious Mystery of the Rosary

Scriptural Rosary      

It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved. "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb" she said "and we don't know where they have put him."

So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together but the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first; he bent down and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, but did not go in. Simon Peter who was following now came up, went right into the tomb, saw the linen cloths on the ground, and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in; he saw and he believed. Till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture, that he must rise from the dead. The disciples then went home again. (Jn 20, 1-10)

Meditation: Mary and the disciples are overjoyed at the Resurrection. Jesus is truly risen. The way is open for us to Heaven. My Redeemer, you alone are the Holy One; you alone are the Lord; you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ.

Eternal Father, by the merits of your Son's resurrection, may we all come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity. With all our brothers and sisters, I bend my knee and proclaim you my Lord and my God.
Mary, my Mother, may your Son come to life in my mind, in my heart and in my soul.

Our Father ... Hail Mary (x10) ... Glory be ... O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

La Risurrezione di Gesù      
Primo Mistero Glorioso del Santo Rosario

La Resurrección      
Primer Misterio Glorioso del Santo Rosario

La Résurrection      
Premier Mystère Glorieux du Saint Rosaire avec Fr Charles Marie CSJ

First Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary with Br Charles      

with Westminster Cathedral Rosary Group      

The Resurrection - So let us now invite the Holy Spirit to inspire our prayer and let us enter into the mystery of Our Lord's resurrection from the dead and give thanks for Jesus's complete triumph over sin and death. With confidence let us invite Our Lord's resurrection to pervade our lives and the life of this parish.

The angel spoke and he said to the women 'There is no need for you to be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here for he has risen as he said he would.'

Papa Francis's homily at the Easter Vigil      
31 March 2018

"And if yesterday, with the women, we contemplated “the one whom they have pierced” (cf Jn 19, 36; cf Zech 12, 10), today with them we are called to contemplate the empty tomb and to listen to the words of the angel: “Do not be afraid… He is risen” (Mt 28, 5-6). Words that want to reach our deepest convictions and certainties, our ways of judging and dealing with everyday events; especially our way of relating with others. The empty tomb wants to challenge, move, question us, but above all it wants to encourage us to believe and trust that God “happens” in any situation, in any person, and that his light can reach into the most unpredictable and closed corners of existence. He has risen from death, he has risen from the place from which nobody awaits anything and He awaits us – as He awaited the women – so as to render us participants in his work of salvation. This is the foundation and the strength that we have as Christians so as to spend our lives and our energy, intelligence, affections and will in seeking and especially in generating pathways of dignity. He is not here… He is risen! It is the announcement that sustains our hope and transforms it into concrete gestures of love. How much we need to let our fragility be anointed by this experience! How much we need our faith to be renewed, our myopic horizons to be challenged and renewed by this announcement! He is risen and with Him rises our creative hope to face actual problems, because we know that we are not alone.

To celebrate Easter means to believe anew that God bursts into and does not cease to burst into our stories, defying our uniform and paralyzing determinisms. To celebrate Easter means to let Jesus conquer that pusillanimous attitude that so often besieges us and tries to bury every kind of hope.

The stone of the sepulchre has done its part, the women have done their part, now the invitation is addressed once again to you and to me: the invitation to break from repetitive habits, to renew our lives, our choices and our existence. An invitation that is addressed to us here where we find ourselves, in that which we are doing and are being; with the “quota of power” that we have. Do we want to participate in this announcement of life or will we remain silent before events?

He is not here… he is risen! And he is waiting for you in Galilee, he is inviting you to return/go back to the time and place of the first love, so as to say to you: Do not be afraid, follow me."

Sunday Evangelium with Fr Marcus Holden      

"There comes a time in our lives when we begin to have faith. We come to believe on the testimony of the Apostles or on the universal testimony of the Church. Then we can begin to see not only the resurrection as a fact, as a historical matter, but see the significance of these events, their meaning, what they stand for, for us, and for the world, and for everything. Not just a great miracle, a wonderful bloke coming back to life, not merely a grand proof of all he taught, not only a sign of life beyond the grave, nor just of God's presence amongst us. But what we are talking about here is a new beginning, a new creation, human life transformed, renewed, glorified and communicated to us."

3 2us with Fr Tony Nye SJ      

"We are supported by love. That was the key I think to the beloved disciple’s faith in today’s Gospel. He looked into the empty tomb, when he had given way to Peter first. He saw and he believed. He believed because he loved and knew himself to be loved. May each one of us grow a bit more in our faith in the Risen Lord this Easter, in love and in being loved."

3 2us by Fr Martin Sabathé CSJ      

"The Holy Spirit guided John so that he could see beyond the visible, so that he could see the invisible. That is the mystery of Jesus, the Son of God, the Word of God. And the risen Jesus is in a way the Son of God fully expressed in his humanity and to reach the Son of God, the mystery of the Word of God made flesh, John needed the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave him this light, so that he could see, and helped him to believe. And that is for us. We need the Holy Spirit to make this act of faith in the risen Christ. To meet Jesus in our faith, we do have to call on the Holy Spirit - please, Holy Spirit, come. Come into my heart, pour your light and your love into my heart so that I am able to make an act of faith which is to discern the presence of Jesus, whereas I do not see him."

3 2us by Archbishop Vincent Nichols    

"This risen Christ is a leader. He's not risen off to some distant place where we can only look at him from afar but he's now an energetic, revitalised leader and he leads us primarily to his Father but asking us, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to make that pathway clear through the time in which we live. So we are, on this day, called to begin to share in his mission. That's what Eastertide is about - we are to understand our call to share in the mission of the risen Christ and the gift we're given to do that is the gift of the Holy Spirit... Suddenly the parameters of our vision have been blown open and we no longer look on life as just a series of separate todays but we look on it in the perspective of eternity and we know our destiny: He is risen, the first fruits of a new creation, of which we will most certainly share and when we see that, then we know where our true hope lies. And so we sing today "Alleluia, the Lord is risen."  Let us give Him the praise and the glory and be part of His saving work today."

The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: the Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Presentation of Jesus & Finding of Jesus in the Temple.

The Luminous Mysteries: the Baptism of Jesus, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, Transfiguration & Institution of the Eucharist.

The Sorrowful Mysteries: the Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning with thorns, Carrying of the Cross & Crucifixion.

The Glorious Mysteries: the Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Assumption of Mary & Coronation of Mary.

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