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Saint John Paul II was inaugurated as Pope in 1978 on Mission Sunday. The date was 22nd October which has now become his feast day.

Our Holy Father gives us a message on mission each year, ahead of the World Day for Missions, celebrated on a Sunday in mid October. The themes chosen by Pope Francis / Papa Benedict XVI / Saint John Paul II / Saint Paul VI, have been:



2012 - “Called to radiate the Word of truth” (Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, n. 6)

2011 - “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you” (Jn 20:21)

2010 - Building Ecclesial Communion is the Key to Mission

2009 - "The nations will walk in its light" (Rev 21:24)

2008 -"Servants and Apostles of Christ Jesus"

2007 - "All the Churches for all the world"

2006 - "Charity: soul of the mission"

2005 - "Mission: Bread broken for the life of the world"

2004 - "Eucharist and Mission"

2003 - Mary and the Mission of the Church

2002 - "Mission is Proclamation of Forgiveness"

2001 - Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo (Ps 89[88],2) [I will sing the mercies of the Lord forever].

Jubilee Year 2000 -