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Solemnity of St Joseph 2003

Pope St John Paul II's Catechesis on St Joseph
Patron of the Universal Church
Wednesday 19 March 2003 - also in French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. Today we are celebrating the Solemnity of St Joseph, the Husband of Mary (Mt 1,24; Lk 1,27). Scripture points him out to us as the "father" of Jesus (Lk 2,, prepared to carry out the divine plan, even when it eluded human understanding. To him, "son of David" (Mt 1,20; Lk 1,27), God entrusted the safekeeping of the Eternal Word, made man by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. St Joseph is described in the Gospel as a "just man" (Mt 1,19), and for all believers he is a model of life in faith.

2. The word "just" evokes his moral rectitude, his sincere attachment to the practice of the law and his attitude of total openness to the will of the heavenly Father. Even in difficult and sometimes tragic moments, the humble carpenter of Nazareth never claimed for himself the right to dispute God's plan. He awaited the call from on High and in silence respected the mystery, letting himself be guided by the Lord. Once he received the mission, he fulfils it with docile responsibility. He listens attentively to the angel, when he is asked to take as his wife the Virgin of Nazareth (cf Mt 1,18-25), in the flight into Egypt (cf Mt 2,13-15) and in the return to Israel (cf Mt 2,19-23). In few, but significant strokes, the Evangelists describe him as the caring guardian of Jesus, an attentive and faithful husband, who exercises his family authority in a constant attitude of service.

Nothing else is said about him in the Sacred Scriptures, but this silence contains the special style of his mission: a life lived in the greyness of everyday life, but with steadfast faith in Providence.

3. Every day St Joseph had to provide for the family's needs with hard manual work. Thus the Church rightly points to him as the patron of workers.

Today's solemnity is also a wonderful occasion to reflect on the importance of work in the life of the human person, the family and the community.

The human being is the subject and the primary agent of work, and in the light of this truth, we can clearly perceive the fundamental connection between the person, work and society. Human activity - the Second Vatican Council recalls - proceeds from the human person and is ordered to the person. According to God's design and will, it must serve the true good of humanity and allow "man as an individual and as a member of society to cultivate and carry out his integral vocation" (cf Gaudium et spes, 35).

In order to fulfil this mission, a "tested spirituality of human work" must be cultivated that is firmly rooted in the "Gospel of work" and believers are called to proclaim and to witness to the Christian meaning of work in their many activities and occupations (cf Laborem exercens, 26).

4. May St Joseph, such a great and humble saint be an example that inspires Christian workers, who should call on him in every circumstance. Today I wish to entrust to the provident guardian of the Holy Family of Nazareth the young people who are training for their future profession, the unemployed, and those who are suffering from the hardship of the shortage of employment, families and the whole world of work, with the expectations and challenges, the problems and prospects that characterize it.

May St Joseph, the Patron of the universal Church, watch over the entire ecclesial community and, as the man of peace that he was, may he obtain for all humanity, especially for the peoples threatened at this time by war, the precious gift of harmony and peace."


"Je salue cordialement les pèlerins francophones, notamment les jeunes des centres Madeleine Daniélou de Neuilly et de Rueil. Puisse le temps de Carême être une occasion renouvelée de conversion !

I extend a special welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims here today, including the groups from England, Denmark, Korea, Japan and the United States and, particularly, to the Choir of Saint Cecilia Parish in Houston, Texas. May your visit to Rome be a time of spiritual enrichment. Upon all of you, I invoke the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sehr herzlich heiße ich die Pilger und Besucher aus den deutschsprachigen Ländern willkommen. Besonders begrüße ich eine Gruppe von Priestern aus dem Bistum Hildesheim und Seminaristen aus dem Priesterseminar Eichstätt mit ihrem Bischof. Alle Christen mögen die Arbeit als einen Weg zur Heiligkeit begreifen! Gottes Wille sei die Richtschnur eures Handelns! Dazu erbitte ich euch allen den reichen Segen des Himmels.

Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de lengua española. De forma especial a Mons. Cipriano Calderón junto con sus condiscípulos aquí presentes que hoy celebran hoy sus Bodas de Oro de Ordenación sacerdotal; también a los Miembros del "Encuentro Matrimonial Cristiano", de Palencia, y a la Hermandad del Rocío, de Triana, así como a los alumnos del Centro Cultural Italiano, de Buenos Aires. Que San José, tan grande y tan humilde, sea ejemplo para todos y os proteja.

Nesta Quarta-feira, Solenidade de São José, Esposo da Beatíssima Virgem Maria e Padroeiro da Igreja universal, nossa Catequese considerou o trabalho na vida quotidiana dos homens e das mulheres de todos os tempos. Ao confiar vossas actividades à intercessão deste homem «justo» (Mt 1,19), peço a Deus que os trabalhadores cristãos saibam inspirar-se no exemplo de laboriosidade, paz e humildade do Santo Patriarca. Com a minha Bênção Apostólica, extensiva às vossas famílias e comunidades.

Adresez un cordial salut credincioşilor romani provenind din dieceza de Alba Iulia. Mult iubiţilor, vă mulţumesc pentru vizita voastră şi, în timp ce invoc peste voi şi familiile voastre asistenţa divină continuă, vă dau din inimă Binecuvântarea Apostolica, pe care o extind bucuros la conaţionalii voştri. Lăudat să fie Isus Cristos!

Zo srdca pozdravujem slovenských pútnikov z Bratislavy, Nitry a z Vel’kých Kostolian. Drahí bratia a sestry, Pôstne obdobie nás všetkých pobáda, aby sme uznali v Ježišovi Kristovi našu najväčšiu nádej. Pozývam vás, aby ste boli vo svete vernými svedkami jeho Radostnej zvesti o vykúpení. Ochotne žehnám vás i vaše rodiny. Pochválený bud’ Ježiš Kristus!

Srdečně zdravím a vítám skupinu poutníků z České Republiky. Moji drazí, děkuji vám za vaši návštěvu a přeji vám, aby toto setkání s nástupcem svatého Petra upevnilo vaši víru a vaše velkodušné úsilí vydávat svědectví pro Krista. S těmito myšlenkami ze srdce žhenám vám i vašim drahým ve vlasti. Chvála Kristu!

Srdačno pozdravljam ovdje nazočne hrvatske hodočasnike i skupinu profesora i studenata Likovne Akademije iz Širokoga Brijega u Mostarsko-duvanjskoj biskupiji. Dobro došli! Predragi, primjer svetoga Josipa, kojega vaš narod posebno štuje, potaknuo u vama posebno oduševljenje za izgradnju svijeta u skladu s Božjim naumom i za još snažnije življenje evanđeoskih vrijednosti u svakodnevici. Svakome od vas i vašim obiteljima od srca udjeljujem apostolski blagoslov. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

Serdecznie pozdrawiam pielgrzymów z Polski i z innych krajów świata.

„Szczęśliwy każdy, kto boi się Pana,
kto chodzi Jego drogami!
Bo z pracy rąk swoich będziesz pożywał,
będziesz szczęśliwy i dobrze ci będzie".

Te słowa Psalmu towarzyszą nam w dniu, w którym wspominamy św. Józefa. Dobrze odzwierciedlają one duchowość Oblubieńca Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Opiekuna Pana Jezusa. Prawdziwie był on człowiekiem bogobojnym i stale gotowym wypełniać wolę Bożą. Z oddaniem i miłością wykonywał pracę cieśli, zapewniając szczęśliwą codzienność własnej rodzinie.

Moim rodakom życzę, aby św. Józef stale ich otaczał swoją opieką. Niech wspomaga wszystkich, którzy mogą się cieszyć owocami pracy własnych rąk. Niech wspiera szczególnie tych, którzy cierpią z powodu braku pracy i niepewności jutra. Przez wstawiennictwo Oblubieńca Maryi proszę dobrego Boga, aby szczęście Świętej Rodziny stało się udziałem każdej rodziny w Polsce. Niech Wam Bóg błogosławi!


Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. In particolare, saluto il gruppo mariano di Recanati-Loreto. Carissimi, vi incoraggio a testimoniare il Vangelo in ogni ambito della società, ispirandovi all’esempio della Vergine Maria, modello di perfezione cristiana.

Sono presenti poi numerosi fedeli venuti con la Fiaccola benedettina della pace, accesa a New Norcia in Australia e che sosta oggi presso le tombe degli Apostoli, per proseguire poi verso Norcia. Essi sono accompagnati da Monsignor Riccardo Fontana, Arcivescovo di Spoleto-Norcia. Cari Fratelli e sorelle, mentre vi ringrazio per l’odierna visita, faccio voti che la tradizionale iniziativa, in queste ore di trepidazione per la pace, contribuisca a ravvivare negli animi una decisa volontà di concordia e di riconciliazione.

Indirizzo ora il mio pensiero ai partecipanti al Congresso nazionale della "Società Italiana di medicina materno-fetale" e, incoraggiandoli nel loro impegno di ricerca scientifica e medica, li esorto ad avere sempre presente nella loro attività la centralità della persona, senza mai perdere di vista la finalità del vero bene dell’uomo.

Saluto inoltre i rappresentanti dell’Associazione Cristiana Artigiani Italiani e auspico che l’odierna festa di san Giuseppe offra loro l’opportunità di approfondire ancor più la loro missione nella Chiesa e nella società.

Finally, I greet the young people, the sick, and the newly-weds. Dear young people, who are here in large numbers, and especially you students coming from many schools, pray to St Joseph to help you follow day by day the Lord's desires for you. You, dear sick people, pray to him to support you in suffering, accepted as a way to cooperate with the salvation of the world. And you, dear newly-weds, at the school of the chaste husband of the Virgin Mary, nourish your heart with prayer and daily docility to the divine plan."