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Catechesis by Pope Francis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (4th of 7)
General Audience, Wednesday 14 May 2014 - in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
In recent catecheses we reflected on the first three Gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding and counsel. Today let us consider what the Lord does: He always comes to sustain us in our weakness and he does this by a special gift: the gift of fortitude.

1. There is a parable told by Jesus which helps us to grasp the importance of this gift. A sower goes out to sow; however, not all of the seed which he sows bears fruit. What falls along the path is eaten by birds; what falls on rocky ground or among brambles springs up but is soon scorched by the sun or choked by thorns. Only what falls on good soil is able to grow and bear fruit (cf. Mk 4:3-9; Mt 13:3-9; Lk 8:4-8). As Jesus himself explains to his disciples, this sower represents the Father, who abundantly sows the seed of his Word. The seed, however, often meets with the aridity of our heart and even when received is likely to remain barren. However, through the gift of fortitude, the Holy Spirit liberates the soil of our heart, he frees it from sluggishness, from uncertainty and from all the fears that can hinder it, so that Lord’s Word may be put into practice authentically and with joy. The gift of fortitude is a true help, it gives us strength, and it also frees us from so many obstacles.

2. There are also difficult moments and extreme situations in which the gift of fortitude manifests itself in an extraordinary, exemplary way. This is the case with those who are facing particularly harsh and painful situations that disrupt their lives and those of their loved ones. The Church shines with the testimony of so many brothers and sisters who have not hesitated to give their very lives in order to remain faithful to the Lord and his Gospel. Even today there is no shortage of Christians who in many parts of the world continue to celebrate and bear witness to their faith with deep conviction and serenity, and persist even when they know that this may involve them paying a higher price. We too, all of us, know people who have experienced difficult situations and great suffering. Let us think of those men, of those women who have a difficult life, who fight to feed their family, to educate their children: they do all of this because the spirit of fortitude is helping them. How many men and women there are — we do not know their names — who honour our people, who honour our Church, because they are strong: strong in carrying forward their lives, their family, their work, their faith. These brothers and sisters of ours are saints, everyday saints, hidden saints among us: the gift of fortitude is what enables them to carry on with their duties as individuals, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, citizens. We have many of them! Let us thank the Lord for these Christians who live in hidden holiness: the Holy Spirit is within them carrying them forward! And it will benefit us to think about these people: if they do all of this, if they can do it, why can’t I? And it will also do us good to ask the Lord to give us the gift of fortitude.

3. We need not think that the gift of fortitude is necessary only on some occasions or in particular situations. This gift must constitute the tenor of our Christian life, in the ordinary daily routine. As I said, we need to be strong every day of our lives, to carry forward our life, our family, our faith. The Apostle Paul said something that will benefit us to hear: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). When we face daily life, when difficulties arise, let us remember this: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me”. The Lord always strengthens us, he never lets strength lack. The Lord does not try us beyond our possibilities. He is always with us. “I can do all things in him who strengthens me”.

Dear friends, sometimes we may be tempted to give in to laziness, or worse, to discouragement, especially when faced with the hardships and trials of life. In these cases, let us not lose heart, let us invoke the Holy Spirit so that through the gift of fortitude he may lift our heart and communicate new strength and enthusiasm to our life and to our following of Jesus."

"Je salue avec joie les pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les responsables des écoles catholiques Pierre Fourier-Alix Le Clerc, et les membres de la Commission épiscopale francophone pour les traductions liturgiques. Chers amis, que votre participation active à la liturgie vous permette de remercier le Seigneur pour le don de l’Eucharistie et d’en accueillir toute la valeur et la richesse ! Bon pèlerinage à Rome!

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience, including those from England and the United States. I greet in particular the group of Pallottine Missionary Sisters. Upon you and your families I invoke God’s blessings of joy and peace!

Herzlich begrüße ich die Brüder und Schwestern aus den Ländern deutscher Sprache. Liebe Freunde, wir können dem Herrn nie genug danken für das Geschenk, das er uns in der heiligen Eucharistie gegeben hat, nämlich sich selbst. Gott segne euch.

Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, Argentina y otros países latinoamericanos. Pidamos que la celebración de la Eucaristía mantenga siempre viva a la Iglesia, y haga que nuestras comunidades se distingan por la caridad y la comunión. Muchas gracias.

Saúdo cordialmente os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, desejando-vos que cresçais sempre mais no amor e na adoração da Eucaristia, para que este Sacramento possa continuar a plasmar as vossas comunidades na caridade e na comunhão, segundo o coração do Pai. De bom grado vos abençoo a vós e aos vossos entes queridos!

أُرحّبُ بالحجّاجِ الناطقينَ باللغةِ العربية، وخاصةً بالقادمينَ منالشرق الأوسط. يسوعُ يكلَّمُنا من خلالَ سرِّ الافخارستيا ويُذكِّرُنا في كُلِّ

Witam polskich pielgrzymów. Serdecznie pozdrawiam Biskupów reprezentujących Konferencję Episkopatu w trakcie wizyty ad limina Apostolorum. Drodzy Bracia, zanieście moje pozdrowienie waszym kapłanom, zakonnikom i zakonnicom, wiernym świeckim i wszystkim Polakom. Zapewniam Was o mojej modlitwie za Was i za tych, których Pan powierzył Waszej trosce. Módlcie się także za mnie. Niech Bóg błogosławi Wam i Kościołowi w Polsce!

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Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai fedeli di lingua italiana. Sono lieto di accogliere i Vescovi che prendono parte al Convegno, promosso dalla Comunità di Sant’Egidio, e i sacerdoti che stanno svolgendo la settimana di studio sulla formazione umana dei candidati al sacerdozio, organizzata dalla Pontificia Università della Santa Croce. Per voi auspico che la visita al sepolcro di Pietro sia occasione propizia per un rinnovato impegno missionario nell’annuncio del Vangelo, particolarmente verso gli ultimi e i poveri. Saluto i fedeli della Parrocchia San Pasquale Baylon di Portici; i militari della Brigata Sassari e l’Associazione Romana degli Albergatori. A tutti auguro che questo incontro rafforzi la fede, accresca la speranza e stimoli la carità.

Rivolgo anche un pensiero speciale a tante persone, fratelli e sorelle nostri che soffrono le conseguenze di tanta pioggia nella zona della Toscana e qui a Roma. Preghiamo tutti e vi siamo vicini con il nostro sforzo, con la nostra solidarietà e con il nostro amore.

Un pensiero speciale rivolgo ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli. Gli ammalati oggi per la pioggia sono radunati nell'Aula e ho potuto salutarli prima di arrivare qui, e loro seguono l'Udienza davanti allo schermo. Oggi celebriamo la memoria di Sant’Agata, vergine e martire. La sua virtù eroica stimoli voi, cari giovani, in particolare gli studenti delle Scuole della Congregazione di San Giovanni Battista, a comprendere l’importanza della purezza e della verginità; aiuti voi, cari ammalati, ad accettare la croce in spirituale unione con il cuore di Cristo; e incoraggi voi, cari sposi novelli, a comprendere il ruolo della donna nella vostra vita familiare."