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Catechesis by Pope Francis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (6th of 7)
General Audience, Wednesday 4 June 2014 - in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good Morning.
Today we would like to dwell on a gift of the Holy Spirit that often becomes misconstrued or treated superficially, but rather touches the very heart of our Christian life and identity: it is the gift of piety.

It should be clarified immediately that this gift is not to be identified with having compassion for someone, feeling pity on one's neighbour; rather, it indicates our belonging to God and our profound relationship with Him, a bond that gives meaning to our life and keeps us sound, in communion with Him, even during the most difficult and tormenting moments.

This relationship with the Lord is not intended as a duty or an imposition. It is a bond that comes from within. It is a relationship lived with the heart: it is our friendship with God, granted to us by Jesus, a friendship that changes our life and fills us with passion, with joy. Thus, the gift of piety stirs in us above all gratitude and praise. This is, in fact, the reason and the most authentic meaning of our worship and our adoration. When the Holy Spirit allows us to perceive the presence of the Lord and all his love for us, it warms the heart and moves us quite naturally to prayer and celebration. Piety, therefore, is synonymous with the genuine religious spirit, with filial trust in God, with that capacity to pray to him with the love and simplicity that belongs to those who are humble of heart.

If the gift of piety makes us grow in relation to and in communion with God and leads us to live as his children, at the same time, it helps us to pass this love on to others as well and to recognize them as our brothers and sisters. And then, yes, we will be moved by feelings of piety — not pietism! — in relation to those around us and to those whom we encounter every day. Why do I say “not pietism”? Because some think that to be pious is to close one’s eyes, to pose like a picture and pretend to be a saint. In Piedmont we say: to play the “mugna quacia” [literally: the pious or serene nun]. This is not the gift of piety. The gift of piety means to be truly capable of rejoicing with those who rejoice, of weeping with those who weep, of being close to those who are lonely or in anguish, of correcting those in error, of consoling the afflicted, of welcoming and helping those in need. The gift of piety is closely tied to gentleness. The gift of piety which the Holy Spirit gives us makes us gentle, makes us calm, patient, at peace with God, at the service of others with gentleness.

Dear friends, in the Letter to the Romans the Apostle Paul states: “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship”, from which, “we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Rm 8:14-15). Let us ask the Lord for the gift of his Spirit to conquer our fear, our uncertainty, and our restless, impatient spirit, and to make of us joyful witnesses of God and of his love, by worshipping the Lord in truth and in service to our neighbour with gentleness and with a smile, which the Holy Spirit always gives us in joy. May the Holy Spirit grant to all of us this gift of piety."

"Je suis heureux de vous accueillir chers amis francophones, particulièrement les paroisses et les jeunes venant de France et de Suisse. À quelques jours de la Pentecôte, je vous invite à demander au Seigneur le don de son Esprit pour devenir des témoins joyeux de son amour. Bon séjour à Rome !

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims taking part in today’s Audience, including those from England and Wales, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States. Upon all of you, and upon your families, I invoke the peace of the Risen Lord and the manifold gifts of the Holy Spirit. God bless you all!

Von Herzen grüße ich die Pilger und Besucher deutscher Sprache und besonders den Gospodi-Chor aus dem Bistum Rottenburg-Stuttgart in Begleitung von Weihbischof Johannes Kreidler. Ich wünsche euch einen schönen und anregenden Aufenthalt hier in Rom. Der Heilige Geist geleite euch auf euren Wegen.

Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, Argentina, México, Guatemala, República Dominicana y otros países latinoamericanos. Que el Corazón de Jesús, al que está dedicado especialmente el mes de junio, nos enseñe a amar a Dios como hijos y al prójimo como hermanos. Gracias.

Queridos amigos vindos de Angola, do Brasil e outros países de língua portuguesa: sejam bem-vindos! Diante dos desafios e dificuldades da vida, peçamos ao Senhor o dom da piedade, para que possamos permanecer sempre firmes no testemunho alegre da nossa fé cristã. Que Deus vos abençoe!

"أُرحب بجميع الحجاج الناطقين باللغة العربية، وخاصة بالقادمين من الشرق الأوسط! استدعوا الروح القدس دائمًا، وارفعوا الصلاة له سائلينه موهبة التقوى لتنموا دائمًا في العلاقة والشركة مع الله وتتمكنوا من سكب هذه المحبة على الآخرين وتعترفوا بهم كإخوة لكم! ليبارككم الرب!

Pozdrawiam polskich pielgrzymów. Dziś w sposób szczególny zwracam się do młodych, którzy gromadzą się na Lednicy, u źródeł chrzcielnych Polski, aby odnowić swoją przynależność do Chrystusa i do Kościoła. W tym roku pragniecie zgłębiać i przeżywać tajemnicę synostwa Bożego Jezusa, a – w Nim – tych wszystkich, którzy przez chrzest mają udział w jego życiu, śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu. Chcecie zastanowić się nad tym, co znaczy być dzieckiem Boga i doświadczać Jego miłości. Pragniecie żyć tą miłością tak bardzo, aby świadczyć o niej wobec innych.

Nasze dziecięctwo Boże to wierność, wdzięczność i uczestnictwo. Jest to wierność miłości Boga, który pierwszy nas umiłował, stworzył nas i oddał za nas swojego jednorodzonego Syna, Jezusa Chrystusa. Jest to wdzięczność za Jego ojcowskie miłosierdzie, radość, która otwiera oczy i serca na obecność, na dobro i piękno braci. Jest to uczestnictwo w miłości Ojca i Syna w Duchu Świętym, która prowadzi nas do współprzeżywania radości i smutków, szczęścia i cierpienia, dostatku i niepowodzenia.

Drodzy młodzi, miejcie odwagę! Odpowiadajcie z entuzjazmem na miłość Boga jako umiłowane dzieci; odpowiadajcie z ufnością, gdy powracacie do Ojca jako marnotrawni synowie. Cieszcie się zawsze z łaski dziecięctwa Bożego i nieście tę radość światu.

Święty Jan Paweł II, który osiemnaście lat temu rozpoczął z wami Lednicką drogę, niech was prowadzi i wyprasza wszystkie łaski potrzebne, by wasze młode życie było pełne i szczodre.

Zawierzam was opiece Panny Maryi i z serca wam błogosławię.

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Rivolgo il mio cordiale benvenuto ai fedeli di lingua italiana. Accolgo i pellegrini della Diocesi di Como, guidati dal Vescovo Mons. Coletti, e quelli di Bergamo, venuti a rendere grazie a Dio per san Giovanni XXIII. Saluto le Suore Medee di San Giovanni Battista e Santa Caterina da Siena, e le Ministre degli infermi di San Camillo, qui convenute in occasione dei rispettivi Capitoli generali; come pure i sacerdoti dell’Istituto Secolare del Sacro Cuore. Saluto i numerosi gruppi parrocchiali, in particolare i fedeli di Paderno Dugnano e di Canepina. Saluto i militari, i giovani atleti del Pellegrinaggio Macerata-Loreto con la “fiaccola della pace”, accompagnati dai Vescovi Giuliodori e Vecerrica, e il gruppo “Piccolo Girasole”, di Pieve di Soligo. A tutti auguro che questo incontro susciti un rinnovato impegno per la pace e la fraternità.

Un pensiero speciale rivolgo ai giovani, ai malati e agli sposi novelli. Ci stiamo preparando alla solennità della Pentecoste: cari giovani, vi invito a dare spazio all’iniziativa dello Spirito di Dio nella vostra vita; cari malati, lo Spirito Santo vi conceda in abbondanza i doni della fortezza e della pietà; e voi, cari sposi novelli, particolarmente i partecipanti al Convegno promosso dal Movimento dei Focolari, invocatelo spesso nella vostra vita coniugale."



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