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1st Catechesis by Pope Francis on the Family
General Audience, Wednesday 29 April 2015 - in Arabic, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
Our reflection on God’s original plan for man and woman as a couple, after having considered the two narratives from the Book of Genesis, now turns directly to Jesus.

At the beginning of his Gospel, John the Evangelist narrates the episode of the wedding at Cana, at which the Virgin Mary and Jesus were present with his first disciples (cf. Jn 2:1-11). Jesus not only participated at that wedding, but “saved the feast” with the miracle of wine! Thus, the first of His prodigious signs, with which He reveals his glory, He performed in the context of a wedding, and it was an act of great sympathy for that nascent family, entreated by Mary’s motherly care. This reminds us of the Book of Genesis, when God completes his work of creation and makes his masterpiece; the masterpiece is man and woman. And here at a marriage, at a wedding feast, Jesus begins his own miracles with this masterpiece: a man and a woman. Thus Jesus teaches us that the masterpiece of society is the family: a man and a woman who love each other! This is the masterpiece!

Since the time of the wedding at Cana, many things have changed, but that “sign” of Christ contains an ever valid message. Today it seems difficult to speak of marriage as a feast which is renewed in time, in the various seasons of the couple’s lifetime. It is a fact that progressively fewer people are getting married; this is a fact: young people don’t want to get married. In many countries the number of separations is instead increasing while the number of children decreases. The difficulty of staying together — both as a couple and as a family — leads to bonds being broken with ever increasing frequency and swiftness, and the children themselves are the first to suffer the consequences. Let us consider that the first victims, the most important victims, the victims who suffer the most in a separation are the children.

Should you feel from childhood that marriage is a “temporary” bond, unconsciously it will be so for you. In fact, many young people are led to reject the very plan of an irrevocable bond and of a lasting family. I believe that we must reflect very seriously on why so many young people “don’t feel like” getting married. There is a culture of the provisional ... everything is provisional, it seems there is nothing definitive.

This matter of young people not wanting to marry is one of the emerging concerns of today: why aren’t young people getting married? Why is it that they frequently prefer cohabitation and “limited responsibility”? Why is that many — even among the baptized — have little trust in marriage and in the family? If we want young people to be able to find the right road to follow, it is important to try to understand this. Why do they have no trust in the family?

The difficulties are not only economic, although these are truly serious. Many believe that the changes that have occurred in these last decades were put in motion by the emancipation of women. But even this argument is invalid, it’s false, it isn’t true! It is a form of male chauvinism, which always seeks to dominate women. We give the bad impression that Adam gave, when God asked him: “Why did you eat the fruit of the tree?”, and he said: “The woman gave it to me”. It’s the woman’s fault. The poor woman! We must defend women! In fact, nearly all men and women would want stable emotional security, a solid marriage and a happy family. The family tops all the indices of wellbeing among young people; but, fearing mistakes, many do not want to even consider it; even being Christians, they do not consider the sacrament of matrimony, the single and unrepeatable sign of the covenant, which becomes a testimony of faith. Perhaps this very fear of failure is the greatest obstacle to receiving the Word of Christ, which promises his grace to the conjugal union and to the family.

The most persuasive testimony of the blessing of Christian marriage is the good life of Christian spouses and of the family. There is no better way to speak of the beauty of the sacrament! A marriage consecrated by God safeguards that bond between man and woman that God has blessed from the very creation of the world; and it is the source of peace and goodness for the entire lifetime of the marriage and family. For example, in the first ages of Christianity, this great dignity of the bond between man and woman overcame an abuse then held normal, namely the husbands’ right to repudiate their wives, even for reasons based on pretext or to humiliate. The Gospel of the family, the Gospel which proclaims this very Sacrament overcame this culture of customary repudiation.

The Christian seed at the root of equality between spouses must bear new fruit today. The witness of the social dignity of marriage shall become persuasive precisely in this way, the way of a testimony which attracts, the way of reciprocity between them, of complementarity between them.

For this reason, as Christians, we must become more demanding in this regard. For example: firmly support the right to equal pay for equal work; why is it taken for granted that women should earn less than men? No! They have the same rights. This disparity is an absolute disgrace! At the same time, recognize women’s motherhood and men’s fatherhood as an always precious treasure, for the good of their children above all. Likewise, the virtue of the hospitality of Christian families today takes on a crucial importance, especially in situations of poverty, degradation, and domestic violence.

Dear brothers and sisters, do not be afraid to invite Jesus to your wedding feast, to invite Him to our home, that He may be with us and safeguard the family. And we mustn’t be afraid to also invite his Mother Mary! When Christians marry “in the Lord”, they are transformed into an effective sign of God’s love. Christians do not marry for themselves alone: they marry in the Lord for the good of the entire community, society as a whole.

I will also speak about this beautiful vocation of Christian matrimony in the next catechesis."

"Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française, particulièrement les prêtres du diocèse de Beauvais, avec leur Évêque Mgr Benoît-Gonnin, les jeunes de Marseille, avec l’Archevêque Mgr Pontier et les nombreux pèlerins venus de France. Je vous invite à vivre la fraternité, l’accueil et le partage, en véritables disciples du Christ. Que Dieu vous bénisse !
[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua francese, particolarmente i sacerdoti della Diocesi di Beauvais, con il loro Vescovo Mons. Benoît-Gonnin; i giovani di Marsiglia con l’Arcivescovo Mons. Pontier e i numerosi pellegrini venuti dalla Francia. Vi invito a vivere la fraternità, l’accoglienza e la condivisione, come veri discepoli di Cristo. Che Dio vi benedica!]

I offer an affectionate greeting to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Sweden, Africa, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Canada and the United States.  May your pilgrimage to the Eternal City confirm you in love for our Lord and his Church.  May God bless you all!

[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua inglese presenti a questa Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Inghilterra, Irlanda, Svezia, Africa, Australia, Giappone, Indonesia, Malesia, Filippine, Canada e Stati Uniti. Il vostro pellegrinaggio nella Città Eterna vi confermi nell’amore a Cristo e alla Chiesa.  Dio vi benedica tutti!]

Ein herzliches Willkommen den Pilgern und Besuchern aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Besonders grüße ich die Familien, die an dieser Audienz teilnehmen. Alle lade ich ein, die heiligen Stätten und die Sehenswürdigkeiten Roms zu betrachten und gemeinsam eine schöne geistliche und kulturelle Erfahrung zu machen. Der Heilige Geist begleite euch auf all euren Wegen.

[Un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini provenienti dalla Germania, dall’Austria e dalla Svizzera. In particolare saluto le famiglie presenti a quest’Udienza. Invito tutti a contemplare i luoghi santi di Roma e i suoi monumenti condividendo una bella esperienza spirituale e culturale. Lo Spirito Santo vi accompagni sul vostro cammino.]

Saludo a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, Argentina, México, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Chile y otros países latinoamericanos. Pidamos a la Virgen María que interceda por todos los esposos, especialmente por los que pasan por dificultades, para que vivan su matrimonio como un signo eficaz del amor de Dios. Muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga.

[Saluto i pellegrini di lingua spagnola, in particolare i gruppi provenienti da Spagna, Argentina, Messico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Cile e da altri Paesi dell’America Latina. Chiediamo alla Vergine Maria di intercedere per tutti gli sposi, in particolare quelli in difficoltà, affinché vivano il loro matrimonio come segno efficace dell’amore di Dio. Grazie e che Dio vi benedica.]

Queridos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, em particular os sacerdotes de Aracajú e os diversos grupos paroquiais do Brasil e de Portugal, sede bem-vindos! De coração vos saúdo a todos, confiando ao bom Deus a vossa vida e a dos vossos familiares. Rezai também vós por mim! Que as vossas famílias se reúnam diariamente para a reza do terço sob o olhar da Virgem Mãe, para que nelas não se esgote jamais o «vinho bom» de Jesus!

[Carissimi pellegrini di lingua portoghese, in particolare i sacerdoti di Aracajú e i diversi gruppi parrocchiali del Brasile e del Portogallo, benvenuti! Di cuore vi saluto tutti e affido al buon Dio la vostra vita e quella dei vostri familiari. Pregate anche voi per me! Le vostre famiglie si radunino quotidianamente per la recita del rosario sotto lo sguardo della Vergine Madre, affinché in esse non si esaurisca mai il “vino buono” di Gesù.]

أتوجه بتحية قلبية للمؤمنين الناطقين باللغة العربية، وخاصة القادمين من مصر ‏‏ومن‏ ‏الشرق الأوسط. سر الزواج المسيحي هو العطية التي من خلاله يبارك الله الزوجين ويحرسهما. فلنصلي من أجل أن يجد الجميع في الزواج الطريق الأمثل لعيش الحب الثابت والمثمر والقادر على تخطي كل المخاوف وكل الصعاب بنعمة الرب وبركته. إن الحب الحقيقي هو وحده الذي لا يذوب أمام الصعاب ولا ينهار أمام التجارب! ليبارككم الرب جميعا، ويحرسكم من الشرير‏‏!‏‏

[Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai fedeli di lingua araba, ‎in ‎particolare a quelli ‎provenienti dall’Egitto e dal ‎Medio ‎Oriente. Il Sacramento del Matrimonio cristiano è il dono col quale Dio benedice la coppia e la custodisce. Preghiamo affinché tutti trovino nel Matrimonio la via migliore per vivere l’amore duraturo, fecondo e in grado di superare tutte le paure e tutte le difficoltà. Solo l’amore vero non si dissolve di fronte alle prove e non crolla davanti alle tentazioni! Il Signore ‎vi ‎benedica tutti e vi ‎protegga dal maligno!‎‎]

Serdecznie witam polskich pielgrzymów. Kochani, dziękujemy dziś Bogu za świadectwo tak wielu małżeństw, które na całym świecie, ufając łasce Pana i mocy wzajemnej miłości, trwają w sakramentalnej jedności małżeńskiej. Wspierajmy modlitwą, radą i pomocą narzeczonych, aby mieli odwagę podjąć ryzyko tworzenia nierozerwalnego związku i z Bożym błogosławieństwem budować szczęśliwe rodziny. Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!

[Do il benvenuto ai pellegrini polacchi. Carissimi, oggi ringraziamo Dio per la testimonianza di tanti sposi, che in tutto il mondo, fidandosi della grazia del Signore e della forza del proprio amore, rimangono nella sacramentale unione matrimoniale. Sosteniamo i fidanzati con la preghiera, con il consiglio e con l’aiuto, affinché abbiano il coraggio di mettersi a rischio e creare un’unione indissolubile e, con la benedizione di Dio, costruire felici famiglie. Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!]

Srdačno pozdravljam sve hrvatske hodočasnike, osobito vjernike iz Zagreba te učenike, nastavnike i djelatnike Katoličke osnovne škole iz Šibenika, zajedno s njihovim biskupom, Mons. Antom Ivasom. Gospodin Isus, koji je pozvao apostole da budu s njim te ih poslao naviještati Radosnu vijest, blagoslovio vas na vašemu putu te vas učinio svojim uvjerljivim svjedocima. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

[Di cuore saluto i pellegrini croati, in particolare i fedeli di Zagabria e gli alunni, insegnanti e il personale della Scuola cattolica di Sebenico, accompagnati dal loro Vescovo, Mons. Ante Ivas. Il Signore Gesù, che ha chiamato gli apostoli ad essere con Lui e li ha inviati ad annunciare il Lieto messaggio, vi accompagni e vi benedica e faccia di voi suoi testimoni convincenti. Siano lodati Gesù e Maria!]

Z veseljem sprejemam slovenske romarje, še posebej delegacijo vojaškega vikariata, Društva svetega Modesta in Območnega združenja veteranov Nova Gorica. Dragi prijatelji, Božji blagoslov naj bo vedno nad vami  in nad vašimi družinami ter vas varuje v veselju in miru. Hvaljen Jezus in Marija!

[Sono lieto di accogliere i pellegrini sloveni, in modo speciale la Delegazione dell’Ordinariato Militare, l’Associazione di San Modesto e l’Associazione territoriale dei veterani di Nuova Gorizia. Cari amici, la Benedizione di Dio sia sempre su di voi e sulle vostre famiglie e vi custodisca nella gioia e nella pace. Siano lodati Gesù e Maria!]

* * *

Porgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. Saluto i sacerdoti di Milano, i seminaristi di Messina e Catania, e gli allievi della Scuola Vaticana di Biblioteconomia. Saluto i gruppi parrocchiali, gli studenti e le Associazioni, in particolare Anita e il Centro Italiano Femminile della Sardegna. La visita alle Tombe degli Apostoli favorisca in tutti una rinnovata adesione al Vangelo, una sincera solidarietà verso i fratelli e una riscoperta della letizia cristiana.

Rivolgo un pensiero speciale ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli. Oggi celebriamo la festa di Santa Caterina da Siena, Patrona d’Italia e d’Europa. E salutiamo con un applauso la nostra Patrona! La sua esistenza faccia comprendere a voi, cari giovani, il significato della vita vissuta per Dio; la sua fede incrollabile aiuti voi, cari ammalati, a confidare nel Signore nei momenti di sconforto; e la sua forza con i potenti indichi a voi, cari sposi novelli, i valori che veramente contano nella vita familiare."

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

2nd Catechesis by Pope Francis on Marriage & the Family
General Audience, Wednesday 6 May 2015 - in Arabic, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
In our journey of catecheses on the family, today we touch directly on the beauty of Christian marriage. It is not merely a ceremony in a church, with flowers, a dress, photographs.... Christian marriage is a sacrament that takes place in the Church, and which also makes the Church, by giving rise to a new family community.

It is what the Apostle Paul says in his celebrated expression: “This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church” (Eph 5:32). Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul says that the love between spouses is an image of the love between Christ and his Church. An unimaginable dignity! But in fact it is inscribed in the creative design of God, and with the grace of Christ innumerable Christian couples, with all their limitations and sins, have realized it!

St Paul, speaking of new life in Christ, says that Christians — each one of them — are called to love one another as Christ has loved them, that is to “be subject to one another” (Eph 5:21), which means be at the service of one another. And here he introduces an analogy between husband-wife and Christ-Church. It is clear that this is an imperfect analogy, but we must take it in the spiritual sense which is very lofty and revolutionary, and at the same time simple, available to every man and woman who entrusts him and herself to the grace of God.

Husbands — Paul says — must love their wives “as their own body” (Eph 5:28); to love them as Christ “loved the Church and gave himself up for her” (v. 25). You husbands who are present here, do you understand this? Do you love your wives as Christ loves the Church? This is no joke, these are serious things! The effect of this radical devotion asked of man, for the love and dignity of woman, following the example of Christ, must have been tremendous in the Christian community itself. This seed of evangelical novelty, which reestablishes the original reciprocity of devotion and respect, matured throughout history slowly but ultimately it prevailed.

The sacrament of marriage is a great act of faith and love: a witness to the courage to believe in the beauty of the creative act of God and to live that love that is always urging us to go on, beyond ourselves and even beyond our own family. The Christian vocation to love unconditionally and without limit is what, by the grace of Christ, is also at the foundation of the free consent that constitutes marriage.

The Church herself is fully involved in the story of every Christian marriage: she is built on their successes and she suffers in their failures. But we must ask in all seriousness: do we ourselves as believers and as pastors, accept deep down this indissoluble bond of the history of Christ and his Church with the history of marriage and the human family? Are we seriously ready to take up this responsibility, that is, that every marriage goes on the path of the love that Christ has for the Church? This is a great thing!

In the depths of this mystery of creation, acknowledged and restored in its purity, opens a second great horizon that marks the sacrament of marriage. The decision to “wed in the Lord” also entails a missionary dimension, which means having at heart the willingness to be a medium for God’s blessing and for the Lord’s grace to all. In deed, Christian spouses participate as spouses in the mission of the Church. This takes courage! That is why when I meet newlyweds, I say: “Here are the brave ones!”, because it takes courage to love one another as Christ loves the Church.

The celebration of the sacrament must have this co-responsibility of family life in the Church's great mission of love. And thus the life of the Church is enriched every time by the beauty of this spousal covenant, and deteriorates every time it is disfigured. The Church, in order to offer to all the gifts of faith, hope and love, needs the courageous fidelity of spouses to the grace of their sacrament! The People of God need their daily journey in faith, in love and in hope, with all the joys and the toils that this journey entails in a marriage and a family.

The route is well marked forever, it is the route of love: to love as God loves, forever. Christ does not cease to care for the Church: he loves her always, he guards her always, as himself. Christ does not cease to remove stains and lines of every kind from the human face. Moving and very beautiful to see is this radiation of God's power and tenderness which is transmitted from couple to couple, family to family. St Paul is right: this truly is a “great mystery”! Men and women, brave enough to carry this treasure in the “earthen vessels” of our humanity, are — these men and these women who are so brave — an essential resource for the Church, as well as for the world! May God bless them a thousand times over for this!"

"Je salue cordialement les pèlerins francophone venus de France, de Suisse et de Belgique, en particulier le pèlerinage diocésain de Cambrai avec Monseigneur François Garnier, et les familles de la Garde Suisse Pontificale.
En ce début de mois de Marie je vous invite à renouveler votre amour envers la Mère de Jésus, passant un peu plus de temps auprès d’elle. Présentez lui avec confiance toutes vos intentions.
Bon pèlerinage à Rome !

[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua francese venuti da Francia, Svizzera e Belgio, in particolare il pellegrinaggio diocesano di Cambrai con Mons. François Garnier, e le famiglie della Guardia Svizzera Pontificia.
In questo inizio del mese di Maria vi invito a rinnovare il vostro amore verso la Madre di Gesù, trascorrendo un po’ più di tempo con lei. Presentatele con fiducia tutte le vostre intenzioni. Buon pellegrinaggio a Roma!]

I offer an affectionate greeting to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from Denmark, Switzerland, Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Canada and the United States. May Jesus Christ confirm you in faith and make your families witnesses to his love and mercy. May God bless you!

[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua inglese presenti a questa Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Danimarca, Svizzera, Indonesia, Corea, Filippine, Canada e Stati Uniti. Gesù Cristo vi confermi nella fede e renda le vostre famiglie testimoni del suo amore e della sua misericordia. Dio vi benedica tutti!]

Sehr herzlich grüße ich die Pilger deutscher Sprache, insbesondere die Angehörigen und Freunde der Päpstlichen Schweizergarde, die anlässlich der Vereidigung der neuen Gardisten nach Rom gekommen sind. Ich danke auch den Musikern aus dem Wallis für die musikalischen Beiträge. Begleiten wir die Eheleute mit unserem Gebet, dass sie die Gnade des Sakraments in ihr Leben aufnehmen und so jeden Tag die Schönheit der Ehe bezeugen können. Der Heilige Geist stärke euch alle im Glauben, in der Hoffnung und in der Liebe.

[Con affetto saluto i pellegrini di lingua tedesca, in modo particolare i familiari e gli amici della Guardia Svizzera Pontificia, venuti a Roma in occasione del giuramento delle giovani guardie. Ringrazio anche i musicisti vallesi per i contributi musicali. Accompagniamo gli sposi con le nostre preghiere, perché sappiano vivere la grazia del Sacramento, testimoniando ogni giorno la bellezza del matrimonio. Lo Spirito Santo confermi tutti voi nella fede, speranza e carità.]

Saludo a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a  los Oficiales de la Academia Superior de Policía de Colombia, así como a los grupos venidos de España, México, Argentina, Guatemala, Venezuela y otros países latinoamericanos. Queridos hermanos y hermanas, pidamos para que el matrimonio y las familias sean un reflejo de la fuerza y de la ternura de Dios en nuestra sociedad. Muchas gracias.

[Saluto i pellegrini di lingua spagnola, in particolare gli ufficiali dell’accademia superiore di Polizia in Colombia, così come i gruppi provenienti da Spagna, Messico, Argentina, Guatemala, Venezuela e da altri Paesi dell’America latina. Cari fratelli e sorelle, preghiamo che il matrimonio e la famiglia siano un riflesso della forza e della tenerezza di Dio nella nostra società. Grazie mille.]

Queridos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, particularmente os fiéis brasileiros de Ribeirão Preto: sede bem-vindos! Lembrai-vos que nunca estais sós: o Senhor crucificado e ressuscitado vos guia, nas vossas famílias e no trabalho, nas dificuldades e nas alegrias, para que leveis ao mundo a primazia do amor de Deus. Obrigado pela vossa presença!

[Cari pellegrini di lingua portoghese, in particolare i fedeli brasiliani di Ribeirão Preto: benvenuti. Ricordatevi che non siete mai soli: il Signore crocifisso e risorto vi guida, nelle vostre famiglie e nel lavoro, nelle difficoltà e nelle gioie, perché portiate al mondo il primato dell’amore di Dio. Grazie per la vostra presenza!]

أُرحّبُ بالحجّاجِ الناطقينَ باللغةِ العربية، وخاصةً بالقادمينَ من الشّرق الأوسط. أيّها الأزواج الأعزّاء، إنّ الكنيسة تحتاج لأمانتكم الشُجاعة لزواجكم، إحملوا هذا "السرّ العظيم" وكونواإشعاع محبّة الله وحنانه. ليبارككم الربّ!

[Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua araba, in particolare a quelli provenienti dal Medio Oriente! Cari sposi, la chiesa ha bisogno della vostra coraggiosa fedeltà al matrimonio: manifestate allora questo “mistero grande” e siate l’irradiazione dell’amore e della tenerezza di Dio! Il Signore vi benedica!]

Zeer hartelijk groet ik de gelovigen van het bisdom Haarlem-Amsterdam, op pelgrimstocht in Rome, samen met hun Bisschop Monseigneur Jozef Marianus Punt en zijn hulpbisschoppen. Een bijzondere groet aan het Kathedrale Koor met veel dank voor de prachtige gezangen. Dierbaren, moge het bezoek aan de Apostelgraven van Sint Petrus en Paulus uw geloof versterken en U blijvend herinneren aan de plicht om het Evangelie te verkondigen met een waardig Christelijk leven. Ik zegen U met liefde.

[Saluto cordialmente i fedeli della Diocesi di Haarlem-Amsterdam, venuti in pellegrinaggio a Roma, insieme con il Vescovo Mons. Jozef Marianus Punt con i suoi Ausiliari. Rivolgo un saluto particolare ai membri del Coro della Cattedrale e li ringrazio per i bei canti. Carissimi, la visita alle tombe degli Apostoli Pietro e Paolo rinforzi la vostra fede e vi ricordi di testimoniare il Vangelo con la vostra vita cristiana. Vi benedico con affetto.]

Srdečne pozdravujem slovenských pútnikov, osobitne z farnosti Čierne Kľačany, Košice, Lendak, Stropkov, Nacina Ves a Záhor, Martin a Trnové.
Bratia a sestry, začali sme mariánsky mesiac máj. Pozývam vás do školy Matky Božej, od nej sa učte milovať Pána a blížneho. S láskou vás žehnám.
Pochválený buď Ježiš Kristus!

[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini slovacchi, particolarmente quelli provenienti dalle varie parrocchie.
Fratelli e sorelle, abbiamo iniziato il mese mariano di maggio. Vi invito a mettervi alla scuola della Madre di Dio per imparare da Lei ad amare il Signore e il prossimo. Con affetto vi benedico.
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!]

Appello - Anniversario fine Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Nei prossimi giorni sarà commemorato in alcune capitali il anniversario della fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale in Europa. In tale occasione affido al Signore, per intercessione di Maria Regina della Pace, l’auspicio che la società umana impari dagli errori del passato e che di fronte anche ai conflitti attuali, che stanno lacerando alcune regioni del mondo, tutti i responsabili civili si impegnino nella ricerca del bene comune e nella promozione della cultura della pace.

* * *

Porgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. Saluto i gruppi presenti, l’Associazione l’Ora di Gesù di Taranto e gli studenti dell’Istituto “Maestre Pie Filippini” di Roma e del Liceo Classico “Duni” di Matera, che ricordano i 150 anni di attività didattica. Auspico che la visita alla Città Eterna stimoli ciascuno ad approfondire la Parola di Dio per poter annunciare che il Signore Risorto è il Salvatore e contribuire alla costruzione della civiltà dell’amore.

Un particolare pensiero rivolgo ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli. Abbiamo iniziato venerdì scorso il mese mariano. La Madre di Dio, cari giovani, sia il vostro rifugio nei momenti più difficili; sostenga voi, cari ammalati, nell’affrontare con coraggio la vostra croce quotidiana e sia il vostro riferimento, cari sposi novelli, perché la vostra famiglia sia un focolare domestico di preghiera e reciproca comprensione."

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