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Divine Mercy Sunday 2012

Papa Benedetto's words at the Regina Caeli in St Peter's Square
Divine Mercy Sunday, 15 April 2012 - in Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Every year in celebrating Easter we relive the experience of the first disciples of Jesus, the experience of the encounter with him risen: the Gospel of John tells that they saw him appear in their midst in the Upper Room on the evening of the very day of the Resurrection, “the first day of the week”, and subsequently eight days later (Jn 20, 19, 26). That day, later called “the Lord’s Day”, was the day of the assembly of the Christian community which gathered for its own devotion, that is, to the Eucharist, a new form of worship which from the outset differed from the Judaic worship of the Sabbath. Indeed, the celebration of the Lord’s Day is a very strong proof of Christ’s Resurrection, for only an extraordinary and overwhelming event could have induced the first Christians to begin a form of worship that differed with regard to the Jewish Sabbath.

Then, as today, Christian worship is not only a commemoration of past events nor even a specific, inner mystical experience; rather, it is essentially an encounter with the Risen Lord who lives in the dimension of God beyond time and space, and yet becomes really present amidst the community, speaks to us in the Sacred Scriptures and breaks the bread of eternal life for us.

It is through these signs that we relive what the disciples experienced, that is, the event of seeing Jesus and at the same time of not recognizing him; of touching his body, a real body and yet free from earthly bonds.

What the Gospel says is very important: namely, that Jesus, in his two appearances to the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room, repeats several times the greeting: “Peace be with you” (Jn 20, 19, 21, 26). Here, the traditional greeting with which people wish one another shalom, peace, becomes something new: it becomes the gift of the peace that Jesus alone can give because it is the fruit of his radical victory over evil.

The “peace” that Jesus gives to his friends is the fruit of the love of God which led him to die on the cross, to pour out all his blood, as a meek and humble lamb “full of grace and truth” (Jn 1, 14).

For this reason Bl. John Paul II chose to call this Sunday after Easter, Divine Mercy, with a very specific image: that of Jesus’ pierced side from which blood and water flowed, according to the account of an eyewitness, the Apostle John (cf Jn 19, 34-37). However Jesus is now risen and the paschal Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist flow from him, who is alive: those who receive them with faith receive the gift of eternal life.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us accept the gift of peace which the Risen Jesus offers us, let us allow our hearts to be filled with his mercy! In this way, with the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead, we too can bring these Easter gifts to others. May Mary Most Holy obtain this for us."

After the Regina Caeli

"Cari fratelli e sorelle,
desidero anzitutto salutare i pellegrini che hanno partecipato alla Santa Messa presieduta dal Cardinale Vicario Agostino Vallini nella chiesa di Santo Spirito in Sassia - benvenuti! -, luogo privilegiato di culto della Divina Misericordia, dove si venerano in modo particolare anche santa Faustina Kowalska e il beato Giovanni Paolo II. A tutti auguro di essere testimoni dell’amore misericordioso di Cristo. Grazie della vostra presenza!

Je suis heureux de vous saluer, chers pèlerins de langue française, en ce deuxième dimanche de Pâques où nous célébrons également la fête de la Divine Miséricorde. Le temps pascal nous invite, à la suite de la première communauté chrétienne, à exprimer notre confiance et notre joie d’être baptisés. Jésus nous convie à ne pas être incrédules, comme Thomas, mais croyants. N’ayons pas peur, ayons l’audace de témoigner de notre foi! Jeudi prochain, à l’occasion du septième anniversaire de mon élection au Siège de Pierre, je vous demande de prier pour moi, pour que le Seigneur me donne la force d’accomplir la mission qu’il m’a confiée! Que la Vierge Marie, Mère des croyants, nous aide à vivre dans la joie de Pâques!

I am pleased to greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present today. In today’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples and overcomes the doubts of Thomas. Through his Divine Mercy, may we always believe that Jesus is the Christ and, believing, may we have life in his name. Upon you and your loved ones, I invoke the abundant blessings of Almighty God.

Mit Freude grüße ich am heutigen Sonntag der Barmherzigkeit alle deutschsprachigen Pilger und Besucher. Nach seiner Auferstehung gibt Christus den Aposteln die Vollmacht zur Sündenvergebung. Und den heiligen Thomas läßt er nicht im Dunkel des Unglaubens allein, sondern heilt ihn durch die Kraft seiner verklärten Wunden. So wird die Barmherzigkeit des Herrn für die Apostel zur unerschöpflichen Quelle österlicher Freude. Euch allen wünsche ich eine gnadenreiche Osterzeit.

Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de lengua española presentes en esta oración mariana. En el evangelio de este domingo se nos narra cómo el Señor Resucitado se presenta a los discípulos, diciéndoles: “Paz a vosotros”. La paz es el don maravilloso de la Pascua. Gracias a ella la comunidad se fortalece con un vínculo nuevo que la une entre sí y con Cristo, preparándola para la misión. Así, colmados de su Espíritu podemos testimoniar al mundo la victoria de nuestro Dios y Señor. Feliz domingo.

S láskou vítam slovenských pútnikov, osobitne z Farnosti Tesárske Mlyňany. Bratia a sestry, ďakujem vám za modlitby, ktorými sprevádzate moju službu Nástupcu svätého Petra a zo srdca žehnám vás i vaše rodiny. Pochválený buď Ježiš Kristus!

Serdecznie pozdrawiam Polaków, a szczególnie uczestników liturgii Niedzieli Bożego Miłosierdzia w Sanktuarium w Łagiewnikach. Dziesięć lat temu, błogosławiony Jan Paweł II powiedział tam: „Trzeba przekazywać światu ogień miłosierdzia. W miłosierdziu Boga świat znajdzie pokój, a człowiek szczęście! To zadanie powierzam…wszystkim czcicielom Bożego miłosierdzia”. Wierni temu wezwaniu głośmy światu orędzie Jezusa Miłosiernego, bądźmy Jego świadkami. Z serca wam błogosławię.

E infine un saluto cordiale ai pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare ai fedeli da Vicenza, Fellette e Lanuvio, come pure al Coro di Castiglione Falletto e ai cresimandi della parrocchia del Sacro Cuore in Statte, con il Parroco e i genitori. A tutti auguro una buona domenica e una buona settimana. Grazie. Buona domenica!"



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Divine Mercy Sunday:

2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 & the great Jubilee 2000.