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13) Bishops - Priests - Deacons

Catechesis by Pope Francis on the Church (14th of 16)
General Audience, Wednesday 12 November 2014 - in Arabic, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
In the preceding catechesis on the Church, we pointed out how the Lord continues to shepherd his flock through the ministry of bishops, assisted by priests and deacons. It is in them that Jesus makes himself present, in the power of his Spirit, and continues to serve the Church, nourishing within her faith, hope and the witness of love. These ministers are thus a great gift of the Lord for every Christian community and for the whole of the Church, as they are a living sign of the presence of his love.

Today we want to ask ourselves: what is asked of these ministers of the Church, in order that they may live out their service in a genuine and fruitful way.

1. In the “Pastoral Letters” sent to his disciples, Timothy and Titus, the Apostle Paul carefully pauses on the figures of bishop, priest and deacon, also on the figures of the faithful, the elderly and young people. He pauses on a description of each state of a Christian in the Church, delineating for bishops, priests and deacons what they are called to and what prerogatives must be acknowledged in those chosen and invested with these ministries. Today it is emblematic that, along with the gifts inherent in the faith and in spiritual life — which cannot be overlooked, for they are life itself — some exquisitely human qualities are listed: acceptance, temperance, patience, meekness, trustworthiness, goodness of heart. This is the alphabet, the basic grammar, of every ministry! It must be the basic grammar of every bishop, priest and deacon. Yes, this beautiful and genuine predisposition is necessary to meet, understand, dialogue with, appreciate and relate to brothers in a respectful and sincere way — without this predisposition it is not possible to offer truly joyous and credible service and testimony.

2. There is also a basic conduct which Paul recommends to his disciples and, as a result, to all those who are called to pastoral ministry, be they bishops, priests, presbyters or deacons. The Apostle says that the gift which has been received must be continually rekindled (cf. 1 Tm 4:14; 2 Tm 1:6). This means that there must always be a profound awareness that one is not bishop, priest or deacon because he is more intelligent, worthier or better than other men; he is such only pursuant to a gift, a gift of love bestowed by God, through the power of his Spirit, for the good of his people. This awareness is very important and constitutes a grace to ask for every day! Indeed, a Pastor who is cognizant that his ministry springs only from the heart of God can never assume an authoritarian attitude, as if everyone were at his feet and the community were his property, his personal kingdom.

3. The awareness that everything is a gift, everything is grace, also helps a Pastor not to fall into the temptation of placing himself at the centre of attention and trusting only in himself. They are the temptations of vanity, pride, sufficiency, arrogance. There would be problems if a bishop, a priest or a deacon thought he knew everything, that he always had the right answer for everything and did not need anyone. On the contrary, awareness that he, as the first recipient of the mercy and compassion of God, should lead a minister of the Church to always be humble and sympathetic with respect to others. Also, in the awareness of being called to bravely guard the faith entrusted (cf. 1 Tm 6:20), he shall listen to the people. He is in fact cognizant of always having something to learn, even from those who may still be far from the faith and from the Church. With his confreres, then, all this must lead to taking on a new attitude marked by sharing, joint responsibility and communion.

Dear friends, we must always be grateful to the Lord, for in the person and in the ministry of bishops, priests and deacons, he continues to guide and shape his Church, making her grow along the path of holiness. At the same time, we must continue to pray, that the Pastors of our communities can be living images of the communion and of the love of God."


"Je suis heureux de vous accueillir, chers pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les groupes venant de France. Je vous invite à prier le Seigneur pour que les Pasteurs de vos communautés soient toujours des images vivantes de la communion et de l’amour de Dieu pour tous. Que Dieu vous bénisse !

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, including the various groups from England, Denmark, South Africa, Indonesia, Japan and the United States of America. I thanks the choirs for their praise of God in song. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke joy and peace in the Lord Jesus. God bless you all!

Sehr herzlich heiße ich die Pilger und Besucher aus den Ländern deutscher Sprache willkommen. Insbesondere grüße ich die Gruppe von Patienten des Palliativzentrums Landshut. Danken wir dem Herrn, dass er durch den Dienst der Bischöfe, Priester und Diakonen seine Kirche leitet und formt, und beten wir für die Hirten, dass sie immer mehr lebendiges Abbild der Gemeinschaft und der Liebe Gottes sind. Der Herr behüte euch allezeit.

Saludo a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, Argentina, México, y quiero de alguna manera expresar a los mexicanos, a los aquí presentes y a los que están en la patria, mi cercanía en este momento doloroso de legal desaparición, pero, sabemos, de asesinato de los estudiantes. Se hace visible la realidad dramática de toda la criminalidad que está detrás del comercio y tráfico de drogas. Estoy cerca de ustedes y de sus familias. De Guatemala, y Chile. Me agradó ver el grupo de militares chilenos en estos días en que estamos conmemorando el trigésimo aniversario de la firma del tratado de paz entre Argentina y Chile. Los límites ya están claros, no nos vamos a seguir peleando por los límites; nos vamos a pelear por otras cosas, pero no por eso. Pero hay una cosa que quiero hacer notar: esto se dio gracias a la voluntad de diálogo. Solamente cuando hay voluntad de diálogo se solucionan las cosas. Y quiero también elevar un pensamiento de gratitud a san Juan Pablo II y al Cardenal Samorè, que tanto hicieron para lograr esta paz entre nosotros. Ojalá todos los pueblos que tengan conflictos de cualquier índole, sean limítrofes o culturales, se animen a solucionarlos en la mesa del diálogo y no en la crueldad de una guerra. Saludo a todos los ciudadanos de los demás países latinoamericanos presentes. Invito a todos a dar gracias a Dios por las personas que ejercen un ministerio de guía en la Iglesia y la hacen crecer en santidad. Recemos para que sean siempre imagen viva del amor de Dios. Muchas gracias.

Amados peregrinos de língua portugesa, saúdo-vos cordialmente a todos, com menção especial para os paroquianos de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe de Curitiba e os diocesanos de Tubarão, os fiéis da Capela Militar Nossa Senhora da Conceição e da paróquia Jardim da Imaculada. Não nos cansemos de vigiar sobre os nossos pensamentos e atitudes para saborear desde já o calor e o esplendor do rosto de Deus, que havemos de contemplar em toda a sua beleza na vida eterna. Desça, generosa, a sua Bênção sobre vós e vossas famílias!

أتوجه بتحية مودة إلى جميع المؤمنين الناطقين باللغة العربية، وخاصة القادمين من المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية. يؤكد القديس بولس أن الله قد "اختار جهال العالم ليخزي الحكماء واختار الله ضعفاء العالم ليخزي الأقوياء واختار الله أدنياء العالم... لكي لا يفتخر كل ذي جسد أمامه" (1 كو 1، 28-29). فدعوة الله هي دائما ثمرة لسخائه ولعطفه ولرحمته. فصلوا من أجل رعاتكم ليعيشوا تكريسهم بروح التواضع والخدمة والإصغاء، كي يصيروا صورة حية لشركة ولمحبة الله. ليبارككم الرب ويحرسكم دائما من الشرير!

Pozdrawiam pielgrzymów polskich. Dzisiaj przypada 25-lecie kanonizacji Brata Alberta – Adama Chmielowskiego. Święty Jan Paweł II nazwał go „Patronem trudnego przełomu w waszej Ojczyźnie i w Europie”. Uczmy się od niego wdrażania w życie miłości miłosiernej wobec najbardziej potrzebujących, niesienia pomocy tym, którzy noszą w sobie Obraz Chrystusa – „Ecce Homo”. Niech dewiza życiowa Brata Alberta „Być dobrym jak chleb” owocuje w naszym codziennym życiu, w naszej trosce o braci. Z serca wam błogosławię.

Radosno pozdravljam sve hrvatske hodočasnike, a na poseban način Delegaciju Ministarstava obrane, unutarnjih poslova i branitelja, te djelatnike Vojnog ordinarijata zajedno s njihovim biskupom, monsinjorom Jurjem Jezerincom. Dragi prijatelji, neka Božji blagoslov bude uvijek nad vama i nad vašim obiteljima te vas čuva u radosti i miru. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!


Con grande trepidazione seguo le drammatiche vicende dei cristiani che in varie parti del mondo sono perseguitati e uccisi a motivo del loro credo religioso. Sento il bisogno di esprimere la mia profonda vicinanza spirituale alle comunità cristiane duramente colpite da un’assurda violenza che non accenna a fermarsi, mentre incoraggio i Pastori e i fedeli tutti ad essere forti e saldi nella speranza. Ancora una volta, rivolgo un accorato appello a quanti hanno responsabilità politiche a livello locale e internazionale, come pure a tutte le persone di buona volontà, affinché si intraprenda una vasta mobilitazione di coscienze in favore dei cristiani perseguitati. Essi hanno il diritto di ritrovare nei propri Paesi sicurezza e serenità, professando liberamente la nostra fede. E adesso per tutti i cristiani, perseguitati perché cristiani, vi invito a pregare il Padre Nostro.

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I fedeli che partecipano a questa udienza sono in due posti: uno qui in piazza - tutti noi ci vediamo -, l’altro posto è l’aula Paolo VI dove ci sono tanti ammalati, più di duecento. E siccome il tempo era così incerto, non si sapeva se c’era il pericolo della pioggia o no, pertanto sono là al coperto e seguono l’udienza nel maxischermo. Invito a salutare con un applauso i nostri fratelli dell'Aula Paolo VI.

Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. Saluto le Suore Scalabriniane, grazie tante per quello che voi fate per i migranti, per i rifugiati, grazie; le Carmelitane Missionarie di Santa Teresa di Gesù Bambino, che celebrano il Capitolo Generale, e gli studenti e docenti della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione Sociale dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana, in occasione del 25° anniversario di fondazione. Saluto le famiglie con vittime di incidenti stradali e di persone scomparse, ed assicuro la mia preghiera per quanti hanno perso la vita sulle strade e per quanti non sono mai tornati agli affetti dei loro familiari. Saluto i fedeli di Canicattì, ce ne sono tanti; la Federazione Cure Palliative; la Cooperativa RE.LEG.ART di Perugia; e i bambini del Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia e quelli dell’Associazione Nazionale Displasia Ectodermica. La visita alle Tombe degli Apostoli favorisca in tutti il senso di appartenenza alla famiglia ecclesiale.

Rivolgo un pensiero ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli. Ieri abbiamo celebrato la memoria di San Martino, Vescovo di Tours. La sua grande carità sia di esempio a voi, cari giovani, per vivere la vita come una donazione; il suo abbandono in Cristo Salvatore sostenga voi, cari ammalati, nei momenti bui della sofferenza; e il suo vigore spirituale ricordi a voi, cari sposi novelli, la centralità della fede nel cammino coniugale."

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