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Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2006

Papa Benedetto's words at the Angelus:
11 June 2006, St Peter's Square - in Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On this Sunday that follows Pentecost, we are celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, who helps us understand Jesus' words and guides us to the whole truth (cf Jn 14, 26; 16, 13), believers can experience, so to speak, the intimacy of God himself, discovering that He is not infinite solitude but communion of light and love, life given and received in an eternal dialogue between the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit - Lover, Loved and Love, to echo St Augustine. In this world no one can see God, but He has made Himself known so that, with the Apostle John, we can affirm: "God is love" (1 Jn 4, 8, 16), and "we have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us" (Encyclical Deus Caritas Est, n1; cf. I Jn 4: 16). Those who encounter Christ and enter into a rapport of friendship with Him, welcome Trinitarian Communion itself into their hearts , in accordance with Jesus' promise to his disciples: "If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him" (Jn 14, 23).

The entire universe, for those who have faith, speaks of the Triune God. From the spaces between the stars to microscopic particles, all that exists refers to a Being who communicates himself in the multiplicity and variety of elements, as in an immense symphony. All beings are ordered to a dynamic harmony that we can similarly call "love". But only in the human person, free and rational, does this dynamism become spiritual, does it become responsible love, in response to God and to one's neighbour through a sincere gift of self. In this love the human being finds his truth and happiness. Among the different analogies of the ineffable mystery of the Triune God that believers are able to discern, I would like to cite that of the family. It is called to be a community of love and life where diversity must contribute to forming a "parable of communion".

The masterpiece of the Most Holy Trinity, among all creatures, is the Virgin Mary. In her humble heart full of faith, God prepared a worthy dwelling place for himself in order to bring to completion the mystery of salvation. Divine Love found perfect correspondence in her, and in her womb the Only-begotten Son was made man. Let us turn to Mary with filial trust, so that with her help we may progress in love and make our life a hymn of praise to the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit."

After the Angelus:

Giovedì prossimo, 15 giugno, avrà luogo a Roma la tradizionale processione del Corpus Domini. Alle ore 19, sul Sagrato della Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, presiederò la Santa Messa, al termine della quale accompagneremo solennemente il Santissimo Sacramento lungo Via Merulana fino alla Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore, dove impartirò la Benedizione eucaristica. Invito i fedeli di Roma e i pellegrini a partecipare numerosi a questo appuntamento, che esprime la fede e l'amore della Comunità cristiana per il suo Signore presente nell'Eucaristia.

Je suis heureux de vous saluer, chers pèlerins francophones venus pour la prière mariale de l’Angélus. Puisse la contemplation du mystère trinitaire vous pousser à vivre de l’amour qui unit les personnes de la Trinité et qui fait de nous des témoins de cet amour auprès de nos frères. Avec ma Bénédiction apostolique.

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present for this Angelus. Today, we celebrate the great Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. In praising the Father who sent into the world the Word who is Truth and the Spirit who makes us holy, let us strengthen our commitment to bear witness to our faith, bringing Christ's "Good News" to our families, our work places and all whom we meet. Upon each of you and your loved ones at home, I invoke God's Blessings of peace and joy.

Am heutigen Dreifaltigkeitssonntag grüße ich alle deutschsprachigen Pilger hier auf dem Petersplatz, darunter besonders die Gläubigen aus der Pfarrei St. Oswald in Traunstein. Wir Christen sind auf den Namen des Dreifaltigen Gottes getauft. Er selbst schenke uns die Gnade, die Größe dieses Geheimnisses immer tiefer zu erkennen und unser Leben von der göttlichen Liebe tragen und durchdringen zu lassen. - Euch allen wünsche ich einen gesegneten Sonntag.

Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de lengua española, especialmente a los fieles de las parroquias: Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles, de Madrid; Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, de Torrejón de Ardoz; Santa Joaquina Vedruna, de Barcelona; a los alumnos del Colegio Sant Josep, de Reus, y a los miembros de la Obra de la Iglesia. Que el amor de Dios, manifestado en el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, os impulse a dar en todo momento un testimonio coherente de caridad. ¡Feliz domingo!

Pozdrawiam serdecznie wszystkich Polaków. Dzisiaj, w niedzielę Trójcy Świętej myślimy o Bożym Majestacie pełni zachwytu i uwielbienia. Wierzymy, że „gdy Bóg się objawi, będziemy do Niego podobni, bo ujrzymy Go takim, jakim jest" (1 J 3,2). Niech ta zapowiedź pomaga wam chętnie wypełniać na co dzień wolę Bożą. Z serca wam błogosławię.

Saluto infine i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare i fedeli provenienti da Borgolombardo, Camposampiero, Sarego, Frassinelle Polesine, Cremona, San Biagio di Bagnolo San Vito, Pero, Figino, Serle, Uopini e San Dalmazio. Saluto inoltre il Movimento per la Vita di Prato con rappresentanze delle scuole cattoliche di quella città e i dipendenti dell'Alcatel di Rieti-Cittaducale, con i familiari. A tutti auguro una buona domenica."