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Pope Saint John Paul II was a pilgrim to the Netherlands in 1985 during his 26th apostolic journey.

Papa Benedict XVI gave a catechesis on the Dutch Saint Peter Canisius.

Here below are responses to Totus2us's podcasts given by Dutch people
- many thanks to you all  ♥

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Paus Heilige Johannes Paulus II's Act of Entrustment to Our Lady, Sterre der Zee
Maastricht, Tuesday 14 May 1985 - in Dutch & Italian

"Broeders en zusters in Christus,
HET VERHEUGT mij hier in uw midden te zijn in deze eerbied - waardige basiliek, waar de Heilige Maagd vereerd wordt onder de titel van « Sterre der Zee ». Deze titel houdt verband met de gedachte, dat ons leven als het ware een tocht is over de wijde zee, die vaak opgezweept wordt door hevige stormen. Maria is de Ster, die ons de koers wijst temidden van de golven der beproeving en met haar lieflijke glans ons opwekt tot hoop.

Maria, Sterre der Zee! Wij komen vandaag bij u met al de lasten, die ons bedrukken. Wij zijn er zeker van, dat wij in uw moederhart begrip en vergeving, bemoediging en troost zullen winden. Aan u, Maria, vertrouwen wij onze vreugde en ons verdriet toe, onze verwachtingen en teleurstellingen, onze verlangens, onze plannen en onze hoop. Zie de voornemens van zuiverheid, liefde en standvastigheid, die wij in ons hart koesteren, en verkrijg voor onze zwakke wil de genade van moed en volharding.

Aan u, Moeder, vertrouwen wij de Nederlandse gezinnen toe, de cellen, waaruit de Kerk is opgebouwd en waarin het geloof van de nieuwe generaties christenen geboren wordt en zich ontwikkelt. Bescherm hen tegen de vele listen, waaraan zij blootgesteld zijn door de hedendaagse mentaliteit, welke vo vaak de evangelische waarden miskent. Help hen in het alledaagse leven het bewonderenswaardige plan te verwerzenlijken, dat God « vanaf het begin » voor hen ontworpen heeft.

Aan u, Moeder van alle mensen en volkeren, vertrouwen wij de geloofsgemeenschappen en parochies toe. Geef dat zij het geloof uitstralen en leven in onderlinge liefde, wederzijdse eerbied en opbouwende samenwerking.

Wij vertrouwen u ool de kerk toe, die door de eeuwen heen onder dit volk het mysterie levend gehouden heeft van het Woord, dat mens is geworden en gestorven en verrezen is voor het heil van de mensen. Spreid over haar uw mantel uit en bescherm haar tegen alle gevaren. Sterre der Zee, wees steeds een veilige gids voor haar, opdat zij als eensgezinde katholieke gemeenschap een behouden vaart mag maken naar de hemelse haven."


"Our Lady is our first mother."

Father Bert FSO       

Father Bert Koppen, a member of The Spiritual Family the Work, talks of his road to the priesthood, which included a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 1989 where, aged 35, he went to confession for the first time in many years.

"A profession you choose yourself, a vocation is something that comes from God. I did not make the decision to be a priest, God did. I wanted to be an engineer but God wanted me as a priest. And I only had to say 'Yes. Yes God, I will do your will, I follow your way' and then He gives the strength for it; day by day, not in advance, years before. No. He gives His light, His graces, His strength at the moment you need it. And we have to go day by day His way, to hear His voice, to go His ways, work with the graces you're given at the moment, and in that you can far, far overcome yourself, because He wants it. And He doesn't want us to make borders, 'I can't get over that'. When God wants it, He asks only to jump over that border and go further in Him, with Him, and that is special for the priesthood, something great for religious. It is not something we can, we do, we live, but it is only every day, again and again, 'Yes God. I will go with you. I will follow your way, your vocation you have given to me.' And that is a great fulfilment that gives us a strength and makes us stand hold in all the difficulties life gives. It gives a hold for the 3 vows, virginity, poverty and obedience, that gives you the power to stand hold. And when you trust in God, when go on your knees and ask Him to be with Him, you can fulfil what He has asked you to do. It is not your own strength, your own powers, but it is God's will, God's powers."


"My experience of Mary has been quite extraordinary, coming from a Protestant background where Mary is simply viewed as the mother of Christ. What I have found within the Catholic Church is what an incredible thing she had done by being obedient to God, under extraordinary circumstances which must have been very difficult for her being approached in the way that she was approached, and then accepting and agreeing to God's will; and what that has resulted in for us, having Christ in our lives, with us and in us every day."

JJ (John James)      

"I started wearing a scapular in 2007 and from then on I would say the Blessed Mother has been a special companion when things are really difficult .. For me, when things are hard she's the one who leads the way, when it's dark she's the candle that burns, and she's just closer to the Lord."

JJ gives his something about Mary in English and Dutch.


"Our Lady means a lot to me; she's the most wonderful person to pray to and seems to be so accessible to all of us. When maybe sometimes God feels far away, she's always there close to us and shows herself to us in the most amazing ways."


"Mary is our mother. Mary is the Mother of Mercy. To Jesus with Mary! And I am glad to share the Divine Mercy in Holland because I know the Lord is asking us to spread his mercy with Mary. Ave Maria."

Marijke             in Dutch 

Marijke's Incredible Saint is St Mary Magdalene

"When I became a Catholic I chose St Mary Magdalene as my patron saint because she really was focused totally on God, on Jesus, and she didn't care what other people thought about it, she just completely lived for Him. She helped me to keep focused on Jesus and to completely live only for Him in my day to day life."


"Mary has really been a help to me at times when it was really hard for me to pray. I felt completely out of touch with God and I experienced that Mary was very accessible. Especially the rosary was a help for me to stay in prayer and after some time I could pray again a little more easily and I experienced that she had brought me back to God. To me she's like a road sign pointing towards her son. If you know the way, that's ok, but if you get lost you can just use the road sign to guide you in the right direction."

Martijn gives his iets over Onze Lieve Vrouw in English & Dutch.


"Our Lady to me is the most beautiful tabernacle in the world."

Sjoerd gives his iets over Onze Lieve Vrouw in English & Dutch.


"For me, Mary is the holy chosen one, the virgin that God used through His Holy Spirit to give Jesus Christ to the world. The biggest love that God had had to start somewhere and it started in a simple, believing woman. She must have been a beautiful, beautiful faith woman … In faith she was the most beautiful thing God ever saw and in her womb He planted with His Spirit our Saviour Jesus Christ and that makes her worthy to make honour to, because in her we worship this Spirit."

Theodora gives her something about Mary in English & Dutch.

If you'd like to give your something about Mary,
please do get in touch with the Totus2us team

- as well as hopefully bringing you joy,
you'd be really helping Totus2us   ♥

Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt.
Accipio te in mea omnia. Praebe mihi cor tuum, Maria. - St Louis de Montfort

St John Paul II took his motto Totus Tuus from this quote.

"I am totally yours and all that I have is yours.
I accept you for my all. O Mary, give me your heart.”