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Feast of the Baptism of the Lord 2005

Pope John Paul II's words at the Angelus
- in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus. According to the Evangelists, this event marks the beginning of his Messianic ministry. Christ's mission thus begun would be fulfilled in the Paschal Mystery in which, through his death and Resurrection, he was to take away the sin of the world (cf Jn 1: 29).

2. The mission of Christians also begins with Baptism. The rediscovery of Baptism through suitable adult catechetical programmes is therefore an important aspect of the new evangelization. Renewing in a more mature way one's own acceptance of the faith is the condition for true and full participation  in the Eucharistic Celebration, the summit of ecclesial life.

3. May Mary Most Holy help all who through Baptism are reborn "from water and the Spirit" to make their lives a constant gift of themselves to God in the daily practice of the commandment of love, thereby exercising the common priesthood that belongs to every baptized person."

After the Angelus:

"Il mio pensiero va, in questa Domenica del Battesimo del Signore, a tutti i bambini che sono stati battezzati nel corso di questo anno. Li abbraccio e li benedico. Benedico anche i padrini e le madrine e, in particolare, i genitori dei nuovi battezzati, esortando tutti a coltivare in essi, con la parola e con l’esempio, il germe di vita divina scaturito dal sacramento del Battesimo.

Saludo cordialmente al grupo de Sacerdotes de El Salvador, que participan en esta oración mariana. Queridos hermanos: que la visita a las tumbas de los Apóstoles os confirme en vuestro compromiso de total entrega a Cristo y a su Iglesia.

[Italian translation of greeting in Polish] "Saluto i pellegrini giunti dalla Polonia e coloro che si uniscono a noi tramite la radio e la televisione. Dio benedica tutti!

A tutti, buona Domenica!"

JPII - Sunday, 9 January 2005 - © Copyright 2005 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana