Germany - Deutschland
Responses to Totus2us podcasts given by Germans with Christian names beginning with A to L - many thanks to you all ♥
Antworten zu Totus2us podcasts von den Deutschen mit christlichen Namen beginnend mit A bis L - vielen Dank an euch allen ♥
"I like the Mother of God very much because she's also my mother, and I know her and I'm very thankful because she shows me a lot and mostly she shows the way to Jesus, and that's great."
Alexander gives his something about Mary in English & German.
"No-one has ever gone to Holy Mary, Mother of God, and asked her for something and in some way hasn't been granted her help .. So if you ask for her help, she will give you her help. Amen."
Alex gives his Verrückt nach Maria in English & German.
"Mary is the protector of our homeland and the protector of all our children and all of our families and gives us hope in the darkest hours and helps us get through the days."
Alexander gives his etwas über Maria in English & German.
"Mary to me is a very special person because she stayed with Christ under the Cross."
Angelika is 1 of the Totus2us Team.
"I like Mary because she is the best way to come to Christ, because she bore Him in her womb and lived her whole life together with Him."
Bernard gives his verrückt nach Maria in English & German.
"Mary will never leave us, will never leave me and so I can rely on her and on her help, her guidance, her intercession."
"The Eucharist gives me strength for my life and the Holy Mass is the biggest gift in my life, because Jesus is really present in the Eucharist, and you can bring in the Eucharist all the things that have happened in your life, all that you have in your heart, and it's a very nice relationship with Jesus because He is really present. I learned to love the Church so much at the World Youth Day in 2000. I learned to see the fullness from the Church and the joy from the Church .. On the World Youth Day I understood Jesus is really present in the Eucharist."
"I love John Paul II very much because he trusted in us young people. You could feel it when you had a meeting with him at World Youth Day .. He loved us so much and he called us to the mission. He said we had big work in the world to tell the people from the Church and from Jesus, 'Jesus is the joy', and give the hearts the joy."
"Mary is very important for me in my daily life. I've experienced many miracles she has done; I've been on many pilgrimages to Our Lady, and I've seen people around me being healed, if only a little, in the soul or their body. I pray to her to help me with my prayers for God, Jesus, and I feel her presence in many days and I like to pray to her."
Cecily gives her verrückt nach Maria in English & German.
(In English & German) "My favourite saint is Saint Anthony of Padua as I lose a lot of things and pray to him very often. Nearly all my things come back to me and I admire the work he does for me."
"Mary has pathed the way for me to be with God."
"Mary, the mother of God, the mother of Jesus, became my heavenly mother 9 years ago. I went to Amsterdam, to the Lady of All Nations, and she let me know that I am her child, I am the child of Mary."
Christina speaks about adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
"My precious moments of adoration was also when I had my conversion. I was kneeling in front of Jesus and told Him I entrusted my life to Him. I would not do one single step anymore by myself. My life at that time wasn't leading anywhere. And suddenly I felt this warmth, peace and love coming right out from the Eucharist. I started crying and I realised Jesus was there indeed. He cared about me. He loved me. Now my life had a meaning."
"Mary is for me an image of a mother and Mary is a great example of faith - she had very strong faith and she believed in God."
Christoph gives his something about Mary in English & German.
"Mary is showing me a little bit more of Jesus because she knows him so well."
Constanze gives her something about Maria in English & German.
"For me, Mary is just like a mother, she warms up my heart. She helps us, she's just like a mother, she gives us love. Even though you do mistakes, you know you'll always be loved by her. And she shows us on earth the love of Jesus Christ. It's very beautiful."
Elisabeth gives her something about Maria in English & German.
"I think Mary is the exemplary man how he is thought by God, and I love her very much, and I think everyone should be in contact with her, like Jesus was connected with her."
Florian gives his response in English & German (impressively simultaneously!).
"As Poor Clares we call on Our Lady as bride of the Holy Spirit because, as St Luke tells us, when the angel declared unto Mary it was through the Holy Spirit that she conceived Our Lord. And in the Franciscan Order it has always been held that she was venerated as the bride of the Holy Spirit. All new life begins with Mary."
Mother Francesca is Abbess emerita of the Poor Clare Sisters in enclosed community at Ty Mam Duw. She comes from near Gelnhausen.
"Our Lady is a great gift for me because she is my heavenly Mother and I know that she's always caring for me, even if I'm not caring for her, and she's always loving me, even if I don't think of her. And she's always holding her hand towards me so that I can take her hand and she's carrying me towards heaven. And I know that she's carrying me personally in her heart. And, because she's got a heart without sin, I know that I'm really in the core of her heart and this is a secure place for me and for my personal life. I really want to love Mary - I'm on my way, I'm a very little child and I'm continuing to walk along life - but I really want to love Mary and to be like her image; to be like her and I especially like her love and her humility. She's always standing in the background, but she was taking a very important role: as she was standing in the background, Jesus could do his apostolic life and that's what I especially admire in her life."
Gabi works with Jugend 2000.
"I come to Mary because she is my mother, she is the mother of us all."
Helena gives her Verrückt nach Maria in English & German.
"I was thinking about Adam and the first sin, the original sin, and Mary is like the 'original yes'. Mary is even more powerful than the 'no' of Adam. The original yes is influencing all of us and she is protecting this little, little, tiny little 'yes' which we say and helping this 'yes' to grow, helping us with her motherly love to grow to become a true disciple like she was and is."
Johannes gives his something about Maria in English & German.
"Abbiamo visto in tempo di guerra quanto soccorsi dalla Madonna e siamo tanto, tanto aiutata della sua intercessione, e insieme a Gesù, suo Figlio, e che ci porta al Padre. Maria è nostra madre, è mia madre e il mio accompagniato nel mio sacerdozio, sono 55 anni sacerdote e sempre mi ha aiutato in qualsiasi necessità e anche nella gioia."
Father Josef, a Pallottine priest, was born in Germany, has spent most of his life working in Brazil and is now in Rome, looking after the Shrine of St Vincent Pallotti. He gives his something about Mary in Italian.
"Mary is for me really important for my life and for my faith because I was born on the day of Mary, which is the Immaculate day, the 8th December, and so she really was all of my life a help for me to believe and especially in difficult moments of my life and my faith, it was easier for me to pray to her to ask her to help me, to ask her to guide me to Jesus."
Judith gives her Verrückt nach Maria in English & German.
"When I was 15 years old I consecrated myself to Mary. It was a very special thing and I think I did not know what happened exactly but I think Mary took very seriously my consecration to her. I really noticed how she was leading me to different shrines: I was in Guadalupe in Mexico, I was in Altötting in Germany. I really feel her presence. Every day before I go to bed, I make a visit to her, at this very important moment for me to be in front of the statue of Mary. And I just close my eyes and I know now I am speaking to my mother. I enjoy this moment a lot - like 10 or 15 minutes being with Mary and just laying my life into her hands and really knowing that she will help me to be faithful until tomorrow."
Brother Leonhard is studying to be a priest with the Legionaries of Christ in Rome. He gives his something about Mary in English & German.