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Responses to Totus2us podcasts given by Colombians with names beginning with K - Z / Respuestas a los podcasts de Totus2us dadas por colombianos con nombres que comienzan con K - Z.

Many thanks to you all - Muchas gracias a todos  ♥


"The Virgin Mary is my life, she's all for me, because all the time I feel her company."

Kateryn gives her something about Maria in English & Spanish


"The Lady Mary is the Mother of God, so for me she is my mother, my mother, and she does everything for me."

Laura gives her something about Maria in English & Spanish.


"In Colombia we love Mary as our mother.. In May, every day we pray the rosary and this is the way we bring happiness to each one of our houses in the month of May - it is even more special during this time because we feel her presence closer to us and we kind of thank her back for all the blessings she brings to our own houses."

Lida gives her Hablemos de Maria in Spanish and her son, Eduardo, gives the English translation.


"I believe in Mary a lot. I pray every day the rosary, every day because it’s important for my sleeping. If I don't pray the rosary, I don't sleep properly."

Luz gives her something about Maria in English & Spanish.


"Mary is like my mother. 

Nuestra Señora María es como una mamá para mí."


"I learn so much from Maria. She is Jesus’s Mother, so that’s a lot .. So that’s the reason I cry to her and I believe her and so I trust her in everything. 

María es una gran mujer para mí. Ella es la Madre de Jesús… Él la aprecia mucho."

Maria Ophelia      

"I feel so near Our Lady and she is so near me and gives me such peace."


Marino Restrepo had a TOP CHAT with Frankie (in the autumn of 2008) about how his life as a musician (with his band Santa Fe) and an actor changed dramatically when he was kidnapped by the Colombian rebels of the FARC (Revolutionary Arm Forces of Colombia) and taken to the jungle as a hostage for six months.

"I have experienced the world in so many fashions, in so many levels, and I was able to enjoy what tempted me the most, what attracted me the most, which was the money and the pleasures, the opportunities of doing whatever I wanted to do and travel wherever I wanted to go, and enjoy the capacity of acquisition, things that you are tempted to possess - so many things like that that are basic in a human being, I went through. So, after I found the incredible reality of the spiritual life that I was missing, I embraced it in a way that I realise now it's not only about the material world, it's also about the sense of eternal life, it's about what goes on after we part from this earthly life which is an instant in eternity."

To find out more about Marino, his mission and the Pilgrims of Love, visit his website.


"Mary for me is my holy mother and a role model, that through her intercession I will be close always to her beloved son Jesus.

La Virgen María es nuestra madre, santa madre, y es el modelo que debemos seguir y el intercesor que siempre nos lleve a su amado hijo Jesús."


"My mother Mary is just everything for me. She just made her presence in my life four years ago and it was a break point in my life. .. I just follow her, giving me hugs, kisses and really nice touches to my heart."

Mauricio gives his something about Maria in English & Spanish.


"I am very Catholic and I am very devoted to the Virgin Mary. I've loved her since I was a child, because my mother taught me how to love her. I think that through her I have found the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my heart. I would like to give her thanks for her intercession in everything that I have got in my life."

Miguel gives his Hablemos de Maria in English & Spanish.


"For me Mary is my company, my mother, my help, my true everything in my life."

Monica gives her Hablemos de Maria in English & Spanish.


"Our Lady is for me a mother, sister. Our Lady is for me somebody I trust, somebody who cares for me, somebody I thank my mother for teaching me about. 

La Virgen María para mí es una mamá, es una amiga, es a quien en quien confío completamente"


"To me, Holy Mary is just like my real mother. I feel her love and I feel how many wonders she does in my life whenever I speak to her."

Nerieda gives her Hablemos de Maria in English & Spanish.

Padre Omar      


(algo sobre Maria en español)


"Mary was the woman who God chose to let God become flesh for his plan of salvation for everyone, so Mary is essential in God's plan for our salvation."

Rosario gives her Hablemos de Maria in English & Spanish.


"Our Lady is essential in my life, and every time when I am afraid or I feel weak, I run, I flee to her, and she is always there, she always covers me and gives me again the strength and the faith to continue following Jesus."

Yustinne gives her Hablemos de Maria in English & Spanish.