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Poland - Polska

Responses to Totus2us podcasts given by Poles with names beginning with L to Z / Odpowiedzi udzielone przez Polaków z imionami chrześcijańskimi rozpoczynające się od L do Z - Wiele dzięki wszystkim ♥

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"I love Mary because she is the Mother of God and she helped Jesus to come into this world and to spread the Good News."

Maciej gives his something about Mary in English & Polish.


"The Mother of God is someone who is always waiting for me, who is always there for me, to listen about my worries, about my happiness, about all the moments in my life, she is always there. And I trust her. I trust her that she is listening to me, that she is always there, that whatever I need she will ask her Son to help me with my problems. She is just someone very special; what I feel about her is that I feel her goodness. She is someone special, her heart is so clean that she is just clean goodness."



Maria gives her something about Mary in Polish.


"To me the Mother of God is a true connection to God, especially when I pray the rosary .. I think of her most of the time as an epitome of suffering."


"Mary is my mother."


"Maria is very, very important for me. I pray to her, of course for peace and for love in the world, and for peace in my heart."

Marta gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Mary is for me a very good example for being open to God's Word."

Natalia gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Zdrowaś Maryjo, łaski pełna, Pan z Tobą,
błogosławionaś Ty między niewiastami,
i błogosławiony owoc żywota Twojego, Jezus.
Święta Maryjo, Matko Boża, módl się za nami grzesznymi
teraz i w godzinę śmierci naszej. Amen."


"It's everything through her, it's a gift from her and I am really so happy about that. And I just want to say, 'Thank you, Mary, thank you, Mum, that you are so close to me and that I can always be your child.'"

Ola gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"I pray to Mary by praying the rosary and it has always been with me, as far as I can remember, even before I actually understood it, its importance. .. The rosary is a powerful prayer that has appeared in my life and it's just there. It is there and I'm glad that it is there."

Patrick gives his coś o Maryi in English & Polish.

Father Piotr CSMA       

"At the beginning I didn't know too much about St Michael but because of my vocation to the congregation, the angels became very close to me and I got to know a lot about the angels, especially about St Michael the Archangel. And I didn't know too much about vows, of chastity, poverty and obedience, I just wanted to become a priest, to answer to the call of Jesus, to serve other people, but when I was in my novitiate it came to me that I must take my vows. But I understood how great is this grace: to have Jesus as a part of you, as your second part. So I discovered what it means practically to have the vocation to religious life and every day I thank Jesus for it and I ask Him that I may be faithful till the end of my life. Because there are 2 things: to be called by Jesus, to have a vocation, and then to be faithful to the end of your vocation. So I ask for prayer because St Faustina said that the devil attacks the priests twice as much because he hates the priest because he gives Jesus to the world. That's why I need a lot of prayer and, on behalf of all priests, I say 'we need a lot of prayer'. So please pray for us."

3 2us on Divine Mercy Sunday       

"Mercy is the second name of love; it is love which gives itself, love in action. We celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy, we worship the mercy of the Father who gave His only Son; the mercy of the Son Jesus who is Mercy Incarnate Himself, who gave His life for us; and the mercy of the Holy Spirit because God's love is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. This Sunday is called Divine Mercy Sunday and, according to the diary of St Faustina, this is the day when God pours out a whole ocean of graces on those who approach the fount of His Mercy."

Father Piotr Prusakiewicz is a priest of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel:


"Mary is a perfect woman and Mary is a Queen. She is a queen to all of us, she is a queen to Poland, to Polish people, and she is a queen for me, and I would like to be her knight and to serve her and God."

Piotr gives his coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Maria is for me like a mother. My mum died 8 years ago and I started coming to church and praying to Maria and she helps me. I pray all the time to her, she's very important for me, she listens to me. You know, when I have a problem, she helps me. She is a very important person in my life. I feel inside when I have prayed that she has helped me and she does everything the best for me."

Przemek gives his coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Mary is very gentle and full of compassion. She never fails anyone."


"I think Mary is a big mother: mother of Jesus and mother of God."


"In Poland we call Mary the Queen of Poland and she is a very, very important person in history. She helped many, many times, she helps Polish people win the wars, like in 1920 it was the Miracle at the Vistula River, the most famous battle in the world because we stopped Communism, Lenin etc and the Bolsheviks. That is why Mary is a very important as an historic person … The most important thing is that our pope, John Paul II, he put lots of faith in Mary."

Rafal was a pilgrim to Rome, for the canonization of John Paul II      
"Me and my woman come to Rome because we are pilgrims and we do hitchhike all the way. So it was more than 24 hours without sleep on the road and finally we are here! .. That was most important thing for me because I was doing this once again hitchhike to Rome for the beatification of John Paul II. .. You've got lots of time to think, lots of time to wonder about your life, what are you doing, where you're going, to pray. So that's why hitchhiking is very good. If you took a plane it would be 2 hours, with coffee, that's it - you will never remember! But if you doing something more than 24 hours, you will never forget. It will be the best memory of your life ever."


"Mother Mary is the greatest mother for us and I just love her because I know I always can count on her and I always can come to her with all my troubles and my problems and also with all my happiness. So it's very, very important for me to have the conversation with her."

Rima gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.

Sister Rita     

"John Paul II was Totus Tuus for all people and he was Totus Tuus for Maria. The Virgin Mary was everything for him; and for us also, for us sisters, for everybody, the Virgin Mary is our mother. We are always Totus Tuus."

Sister Rita is a Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; she gives her something about Mary in English & Polish.


"Mary was always important in my faith. In Poland we have got a very important place for Mary, it's called Czestochowa, Jasna Gora and I have been there many times on pilgrimage. What is for me very important is that Mary doesn't want to know every time the answer for every question; sometimes she is just in silence and takes what God gives her."

Sebastian gives his something about Mary in English & Polish.

Father Sebastian Maria CFR      

"To me Mary is a mother, also a queen, but a queen who kind of reigns in a beautiful and gentle, tender way in my life. I've experienced it many times very tangibly but she's always very quiet, very humble, but always very effective, just like a good mother, tenderly guiding me, leading me always closer to her Son. So I love her very much, I am very grateful and as much as I can I tell everybody else how wonderful she is."

Father Sebastian Maria is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal. He was born in Krakow and brought up in Canada. His something about Mary is in English and Polish.


"Saint Mary means for me love - extraordinary love which is going in your body and going through your body. It's love, for me it's pure love."

Simon gives his coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Our Lady, my mother, she is my mother and I thank her every day for saying the Magnificat to bring the Lord to the world. I say the Magnificat every day after my rosary and since a little girl I always talk to her because she is my mother."


"Mary is for me my mother. She brought me personally, grabbed me by my hand and brought me to her Son, long before I even believed in him, because I met her, my mother, when I was 15 years old and I had a conversion of heart at the age of 27. So she brought me all along and made it happen for me."

Sylvia gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Saint Maria is the best Mum, she loves everyone and you have to trust her with everything."

Teresa gives her coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"Our Lady - I knew she was like helping me to be closer to Jesus, her Son… and she's important for me because through the Bible I understand she delivered for us the Messiah who saved us, but she is also still helping to bring us to her son."

Wadim gives his coś o Maryi in English & Polish.


"I have always considered Mary like my mother and I am used to praying to her thanks to my parents, in particular my mother."

Yolita gives her something about Mary in English & Polish.

If you'd like to give your something about Mary,
please do get in touch with the Totus2us team

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Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt.
Accipio te in mea omnia. Praebe mihi cor tuum, Maria. - St Louis de Montfort

Papa Saint John Paul II took his motto Totus Tuus from this quote.

"I am totally yours and all that I have is yours.
I accept you for my all. O Mary, give me your heart.”