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Somethings about Mary in June (& 1st & 2nd July) 2011

Many, many thanks to Abby, Alex, Alexandra, Basia, Choong-Kar, Cindy, David, Denise, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elvira, Gudrun, Jakob, Jervaine, José, José, Julie, Konrad, Margaret, Maria, Mariola, Mark, Mary, Mike, Milona, Monika, Morgan Maria, Paul, Sister Rita, Sebastian, Tina & Valentina for giving their 'something' about Mary.

This picture is of Our Lady of Medjugorje; this June was the 30th anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje. Many thanks to Mgr Leo Maasburg for giving 3 2us on Our Lady of Medjugorje    

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If you'd like to give Our Lady a metaphorical bunch of flowers by saying your something about Mary, please do contact the Totus2us team.

1st June - Paul      

"When I think of Mary I think of her as a very, very caring , a very, very compassionate and loving mother and a route to Our Lord Jesus for us all."

Paul is from Nigeria.

2nd June - Feast of the Ascension - Valentina      

"One of the things that has made me feel that Mary is so important in our lives is seeing what she passed through during the Passion of Our Lord. It is very difficult for a mother to watch the Son being treated, suffering, all for our sins. That strengthens our faith, that saw a mother so close to her son, who has seen her son suffer so much, would really not fail to help us to get favours, if they are for our own good, through her son Jesus Christ."

Valentina is from Nigeria.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana, Međugorje, 2 June 2011:

"Dear children, As I call you to pray for those who have not come to know the love of God, if you were to look into your hearts you would comprehend that I am speaking about many of you. With an open heart, sincerely ask yourselves if you want the living God or do you want to eliminate Him and live as you want. Look around you, my children, and see where the world is going, the world that thinks of doing everything without the Father, and which wanders in the darkness of temptation. I am offering to you the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. According to God's plan I am with you to help you to have my Son, His Cross and Resurrection, triumph in your hearts. As a mother, I desire and pray for your unity with my Son and His works. I am with you; you decide. Thank you."

According to Mirjana, Our Lady looked sad during the apparition. When Our Lady spoke about "the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit,” a unique light was visible behind her.

3rd June - José      

"For me Mary is our mother, the Mother of God.
La Virgen María es la Madre de Dios, nuestra madre."

José is from Spain.

4th June - Sister Rita      

"John Paul II was Totus Tuus for all people and he was Totus Tuus for Maria. The Virgin Mary was everything for him; and for us also, for us sisters, for everybody, the Virgin Mary is our mother. We are always Totus Tuus."

Sister Rita, a Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is from Poland; she gives her something about Mary in English & Polish.

5th June - Jakob      

"Maria is my mother, my saint mother."

Jakob is 17 & from Poland; he gives his something about Mary in English & Polish.

6th June - Jervaine      

"Mary is a real mother. We look upon her. Without her, the Church would not be founded. If we have any problems we can take it to Our Lady. She is there for us; she always looks down on us and we look up to her. She is the Mother Church in whom we all believe, especially I believe in her. I can take my problems, my sorrow, my joy and it's just wonderful to kneel at her feet and be in her presence and I hope to enjoy her vision one day in heaven. Amen."

Jervaine is from the Caribbean.

7th June - David      

"Mary has always been for me like a second mother and a great gift."

David is Anglo-Spanish.

8th June - Konrad      

"Mary is a mother and she is some kind of road to God."

Konrad is 21 & from Poland; he gives his response in English & Polish.

9th June - Tina      

"Every time I come to see Our Lady, Maria, I feel she gives me serenity and I feel more confident in myself and, yeh, I feel happier every time I come to see her."

Tina is 29 & from Spain; she gives her algo de María in English & Spanish.

10th June - Gudrun      

"Our Lady has always been very special to me, I suppose because my mother had such a very deep devotion towards her. When I was little she was like a mother to me and as I've grown older, I can so identify with her and her sufferings with Jesus. She is just a wonderful inspiration and when I think of her as a young girl accepting that, it's just mind-boggling."

Gudrun is from England.

11th June - Elvira    

"Mama Mary for me is the eternal mother. She teaches us to be first of all a child, then a mother. For me, being a mother, I learned so much from her, because I don't have that relationship with my mum, so she became my role model and she's the one that taught me so much how to become a mother. When I speak about Mama Mary, I always have this big emotion because I learnt so much from her and I was able to become a mother for my mother because of her."

Elvira is from the Philippines.

12th June - Feast of Pentecost - Julie      

"I've had great devotion to Our Lady, particularly before and after my son's death 7 years ago. He prayed a lot to Our Lady. After his death I've come to adopt her as my mother, Comforter of the Afflicted, because of the way she has appeared to me in so many ways, not real apparitions as such but touching my heart. Any time I think of Richard, I think of Our Lady and the sorrows she went through at the foot of the Cross and it always takes a lot of the pain away from my heart .. I know that she also gave a lot of courage to the apostles in the Upper Room so that makes her Help of Christians, because that was the beginning of the Church."

Julie is from Nigeria.

13th June - Feast of St Anthony of Padua - Choong-Kar      

"The Holy Virgin Mary is a very strong, holy person who, when we pray to her, has very powerful intercessory answers to our problems and to our requests."

Choong-Kar is originally from Malaysia.

14th June - Maria      

"Maria is my patron and I really fly to her in troubles; and when I need some help or when I just need to speak to somebody and I know that maybe my colleagues will not understand so well. I try to tell her about everything, about my desires and dreams and about my study to succeed. I please her to give my pleases to Jesus and it's then on Him."

Maria is 21 and from Slovakia.

15th June - Mike      

"Mary represents purity and faith."

Mike is from England.

16th June - Abby        

"I like to think of Mary as more of a role model for someone my age."

Abby is 19 & from the United States.

17th June - Mariola      

"Mary is my mother."

Mariola is from Poland.

18th June - Cindy      

"Mary is the perfect lady who is most patiently waiting for me, to embrace me and to love me."

Cindy is 30 & lives in Scotland (she's originally from Hong Kong).

19th June - Trinity Sunday - Sebastian      

"Mary was always important in my faith. In Poland we have got a very important place for Mary, it's called Czestochowa, Jasna Gora and I have been there many times on pilgrimage. What is for me very important is that Mary doesn't want to know every time the answer for every question; sometimes she is just in silence and takes what God gives her."

Sebastian is 35 & from Poland; he gives his something in English & Polish.

20th June - Elizabeth      

"At my university in the United States there is a small replica of Our Lady of Lourdes and I like to go and light a candle to Our Lady of Lourdes... Ever since I was little I have always loved praying to the Blessed Mother; my favourite prayer is the Memorare."

Elizabeth is from the United States.

21st June - Alexandra      

"I never really thought about the Blessed Virgin Mother until I hit upon my teenage years and then it was to be as a symbol of purity and so that's what she's really meant to me during these years of my life as an example of holiness and purity in a young woman. And the Memorare is also an important prayer to me and I find that if you say it very slowly and you really think about all the words you are saying, that .. it'll come through to you. Whenever I've had trouble and I've said it, it seems like the trouble goes away so that's why it's an important prayer to me. I also say the rosary a lot too."

Alexandra is 21 & from the United States.

22nd June - Feast of martyr Saints Thomas More & John Fisher - Margaret      

"For me Mary is the model of how to live and act as a Christian. And if I'm not sure what to do sometimes, I think of Mary and how she would act or behave. And I also think Mary is the real example of knowing how to lose: she lost Jesus her son, a lot of her life was about losing. And so I often think of that too - trying to lose thoughts or whatever, in order to be filled with God; so losing so that we find again God in our lives. That's Mary."

Margaret is from England.

23rd June - Feast of Corpus Christi - Monika      

"Mary, I feel so privileged. I have a wonderful mother in this world, she is a treasure to me, and then I have you - I'm lost for words for how much I thank you. Thank you, Mary."

Monika is from Slovakia, and gives her response in English & Slovak.

24th June - Birth of John the Baptist & 30th anniversary of 1st apparition in Medjugorje - Milona      

"In Medjugorje I met Our Lady in a new way. I knew her in my early life through Fatima and  there was always a little corner of paradise that stayed in my heart after a day in Fatima. But here I met her as who she really is and she was just simply for me the beginning of a new life. Because what I met was a woman that is so close to us and so motherly, and motherly in the most securing way that .. I didn't know this was possible. A mother that never wants us to worry; she always makes me understand 'Do not worry. I am the Queen. I am there. There will be a way out. Pray, pray and trust and be at peace.' She has taught me that there is not one moment of the day that I'm not being looked after, that I'm not being looked at. And I went through some very, very difficult moments, where I felt I was in absolute pits of darkness and nearly despair. But yet there came the moment when I couldn't anymore, there came a light and I could breathe again. So she for me is like the breath of fresh air every day that brings me a God that she knows, the living God who is close, close, close. So she for me is a wonderful bridge between us humans, because she's like us and she's also the fruit of what her son did for us like in advance. And so she knows it all, she knows the strength of decision, she gives us all the secrets, all the mysteries of her relationship with the Lord, she gives it to us. And this is what I just love about her, because she's totally unselfish - she would be, wouldn't she - but she says it's all out of dear love for the Lord and for you, my children. So she gives everything to us that He has given her ... She for me is the deepest joy and a sign of hope and she gives me strength every single day and I just praise the Lord for having such a mother and for having given her to us."

Milona is from Germany and lives in Medjugorje.

Our Lady's message to Ivan, on Apparition Hill Medugorje, 24 June:

"Dear children, also today I rejoice together with you. Also today, in joy, I call you: accept my messages and live my messages. May my messages become life. Build them into your lives. May they be food on your life’s journey. Know, dear children, that I am with you when it is most difficult for you, that I encourage and console you, that I intercede before my Son for all of you. Therefore, dear children, persevere in prayer and do not be afraid. Follow me without fear. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having accepted me again and having accepted my messages, for living my messages."

Our Lady appeared to the visionary Ivan for 13 minutes. She came in a gold dress, accompanied by three angels.

25th June - 30th anniversary of Medjugorje - Mary      

"It was really through Fr George Tutto, who celebrates 60 years as a priest this week-end, and because of his holiness and his spiritual integrity, he said to us at the prayer group he used to run, 'Our Lady is appearing in Yugoslavia' and from that moment I really believed it. Because of who Fr Tutto was - he's a wonderful canon lawyer with great intellect but more than that great holiness. Today is 25 June 2011. This is a very special day because 30 years ago today Our Blessed Lady appeared to 6 young teenagers in a little hamlet in the former Yugoslavia called Medjugorje; the name means 'between the hills'. They first saw her on the 24th June but they were so scared they ran off. They were told by their parents to go back at the same the next day which they did. And Our Lady appeared to them again and her message was very simple. She said, "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary and I have come to tell you that God exists.""

Mary is from England.

Our Lady of Medjugorje's message to Marija, 25 June 2011:

"Dear children! Give thanks with me to the Most High for my presence with you. My heart is joyful watching the love and joy in the living of my messages. Many of you have responded, but I wait for, and seek, all the hearts that have fallen asleep to awaken from the sleep of unbelief. Little children, draw even closer to my Immaculate Heart so that I can lead all of you toward eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call."

"Cari figli, ringraziate con me l’Altissimo per la mia presenza con voi. Gioioso è il mio cuore guardando l’amore e la gioia che avete nel vivere i miei messaggi. In molti avete risposto ma aspetto e cerco tutti i cuori addormentati affinché si sveglino dal sonno dell’incredulità. Avvicinatevi ancora di più, figlioli, al mio cuore Immacolato perchè possa guidarvi tutti verso l’eternità. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata"

"¡Queridos hijos! Agradezcan conmigo al Altísimo por mi presencia entre ustedes. Mi corazón se regocija mirando el amor y la alegría en la vivencia de mis mensajes. Muchos de ustedes han respondido, pero espero y busco a todos los corazones adormecidos que se despierten del sueño de la incredulidad. Acérquense aún más hijitos, a mi Corazón Inmaculado para que pueda conducirlos a todos hacia la eternidad. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!"

26th June - Denise      

"It is a privilege to be able to say just how much Gospa, Mary, my mother does for me, she has answered so many of my prayers. She is the person that I love just so, so much. ..Our Lady is just so beautiful, she not only answers your prayers singularly but tripletly … Thank you, Gospa, thank you dearest, dearest Mother, for what you do for me and for so many wonderful people in the world, your children, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Denise is from Gibraltar.

27th June - José      

"Our Lady of Guadalupe is the lady who protects us and takes care of us, and is something good in the world."

José is from Mexico; he gives his algo de María in English & Spanish.

28th June - Basia      

"I feel that Our Lady is my mother that probably I've never had before. I feel that I'm quite close to her and every day I can see her help, especially when I pray. Even when I don't pray I feel that she lifts me up and she helps me in my every day. And I can see this in my children too, as they are quite devoted to Our Lady."

Basia is from Poland.

29th June - Feast of Ss Peter & Paul - Alex      

"To me Our Lady is my first mother. All my life I have been praying to her and she has always helped me in all my needs .. A special prayer I have is to call up Our Lady, Help of Christians .. I say to my children, my family, without her I would be nothing. So to me she is more than anything else in this world."

Alex is from Goa in India.

30th June - Elizabeth      

"I came to thank Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, because good things have happened to me in life, after having gone through difficult times and I just wanted to thank her for being there at difficult times and at good times."

Elizabeth is from France; she gives her quelque chose de Marie in English & French.

1st July - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Morgan Maria      

"I didn't go to church for many years. I only recently returned, very gradually. I think it all started when Pope John Paul II died and somehow I got very involved and I needed to go to church to pray ... Now I say the rosary, I am very devoted to it. It has helped me a great deal. .. There is much more to go yet I know but I am asking Mother Mary to be there always with me to help me. Yes, I am very devoted - I love her, as I love Jesus."

Morgan Maria is from Singapore.

2nd July - Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Mark      

"Mary to me is compassion and love. She is a support in times of trouble and distress, she is a loving and all-loving spirit and presence in my life. She is someone to whom I confess my sins and share my weaknesses in the knowledge that she is not judgmental but compassionate and loving and supportive."

Mark is from London.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana, at the Blue Cross on Apparition Hill Međugorje, 2 July 2011:

"Dear children; today I call you to a difficult and painful step for your unity with my Son. I call you to complete admission and confession of sins, to purification. An impure heart cannot be in my Son and with my Son. An impure heart cannot give the fruit of love and unity. An impure heart cannot do correct and just things; it is not an example of the beauty of God’s love to those who surround it and to those who have not come to know that love. You, my children, are gathering around me full of enthusiasm, desires and expectations, and I implore the Good Father to, through the Holy Spirit, put my Son – faith, into your purified hearts. My children, obey me, set out with me."

Our Lady of Medjugorje's message to Marija, 25 July 2011:

"Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer and silence. Rest your body and spirit, may they be in God’s love. Permit me, little children, to lead you, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit so that all the good that is in you may blossom and bear fruit one hundred fold. Begin and end the day with prayer with the heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."

"Cari figli, questo tempo sia per voi tempo di preghiera e di silenzio. Riposate il vostro corpo e il vostro spirito, che siano nell’amore di Dio. Permettetemi figlioli di guidarvi, aprite i vostri cuori allo Spirito Santo perchè tutto il bene che è in voi fiorisca e fruttifichi il centuplo. Iniziate e terminate la giornata con la preghiera del cuore. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

"¡Queridos hijos! Que este tiempo sea para ustedes tiempo de oración y de silencio. Hagan descansar su cuerpo y su espíritu, que permanezcan en el amor de Dios. Permítanme hijitos que los conduzca, abran sus corazones al Espíritu Santo para que todo el bien que hay en ustedes, florezca y produzca frutos al céntuplo. Comiencen y finalicen el día con la oración con el corazón. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!"