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Somethings about Mary in January 2018

Many, many thanks to ... for giving their 'something' about Mary this month.

This beautiful statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is in the chapel of the Dowry House in Walsingham.

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If you'd like to give Our Lady a metaphorical bunch of flowers by saying your something about Mary, please, pretty please, contact the Totus2us team.

1st January - Solemnity of the Mother of God, Theotokos - Rafael      

"For me, Mary is the epitomy of trust. And when I don't trust, and when I lose confidence and lose faith, I ask her and I say 'Can I trust like you.' And that's what she is for me: she's my model and mother of trust in God."

Rafael is from Birmingham.

 Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo, Medjugorje, 2nd January 2018:

"Dear children, when love is beginning to disappear on earth, when the way of salvation is not being found, I, the mother, am coming to help you to come to know true faith – living and profound – so as to help you to truly love. As a mother, I am longing for your mutual love, goodness and purity. My desire is that you be just and that you love each other. My children, be joyful in your soul, be pure, be children. My Son used to say that he loves to be among pure hearts, because pure hearts are always young and joyful. My Son said to you to forgive and to love each other. I know that this is not always easy. Suffering makes you grow in spirit. For you to spiritually grow all the more, you must sincerely and truly forgive and love. Many of my children on earth do not know my Son, they do not love Him; but you who do love my Son, you who carry Him in your heart, pray, pray and in praying feel my Son beside you. May your soul breathe in His spirit. I am among you and am speaking about little and great things. I will not grow tired speaking to you about my Son – the true love. Therefore, my children, open your hearts to me. Permit me to lead you as a mother. Be apostles of the love of my Son and of me. As a mother I implore you not to forget those whom my Son has called to lead you. Carry them in your heart and pray for them. Thank you."

Our Lady's message to Marija Pavlović, Medjugorje, 25 January 2018

"Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer, so that the Holy Spirit, through prayer, may descend upon you and give you conversion. Open your hearts and read the Sacred Scripture, that through the testimonies you also may be closer to God. Above everything, little children, seek God and the things of God and leave earthly ones to the earth, because Satan is attracting you to the dust and sin. You are called to holiness and created for Heaven; therefore, seek Heaven and the things of Heaven. Thank you for having responded to my call."

“Queridos hijos! Que este tiempo sea para ustedes tiempo de oración, para que el Espíritu Santo, a través de la oración, descienda sobre ustedes y les dé la conversión. Abran sus corazones y lean la Sagrada Escritura para que, por medio de los testimonios, también ustedes puedan estar más cerca de Dios. Hijitos, busquen sobre todo a Dios y las cosas de Dios y dejen las terrenales a la tierra, porque Satanás los atrae al polvo y al pecado. Ustedes están llamados a la santidad y han sido creados para el Cielo. Por eso, busquen el Cielo y las cosas celestiales. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado."

"Cari figli! Questo tempo sia per voi il tempo della preghiera affinché lo Spirito Santo, attraverso la preghiera, discenda su di voi e vi doni la conversione. Aprite i vostri cuori e leggete la Sacra Scrittura affinché, attraverso le testimonianze, anche voi possiate essere più vicini a Dio. Figlioli, cercate soprattutto Dio e le cose di Dio e  lasciate alla terra quelle della terra, perché Satana vi attira alla polvere e al peccato. Voi siete invitati alla santità e siete creati per il Cielo. Cercate, perciò, il Cielo e le cose celesti. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."