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Somethings about Mary
in September 2018

Many, many thanks to Abbie, Sister Anna Maria, Benedict, Cameron, Cheryl, Christine, Elena, Elsa, Euline, Felix, Gerry, Grace, Kathleen, Lana, Marco, Mauro, Nicola, Omar, Philomena, Roly, Sheila, Theresa and Tony for giving their 'something' about Mary this month.

This pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima was visiting the Parish of Our Lady in St John's Wood, London, on Our Lady's birthday.

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If you'd like to give Our Lady a metaphorical bunch of flowers by saying your something about Mary, please, pretty please, contact the Totus2us team.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo, Medjugorje, 2nd September 2018:

"Dear children, My words are simple but are filled with motherly love and care. My children, all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you, and I am calling you to the light and truth — I am calling you to my Son. Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity; only He can give hope in the deepest pain. My Son is the life of the world. The more that you come to know Him — the more that you come close to Him — all the more you will love Him, because my Son is love. Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you. That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually. I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, also the painful paths are paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son. My children, pray — think of my Son. In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him, and I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son. Be true apostles of my love; spread the love of my Son to everyone. Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers. With your prayers help your shepherds that they may be spiritual fathers filled with love for all people. Thank you."

8th September - Feast of Our Lady's birthday - Sister Anna Maria      

"Since we were little children we have this great devotion to Our Lady."

Sister Anna Maria of the Sisters of Maria Bambina is from northern Italy and gives her response in English & Italian.

9th September - Abbie      

"I love Our Lady. I don’t even really know how to put it in words but I always find myself looking to her whenever I'm in need or I'm going through something. .. Like she always seems to just be there, no matter where or when it is, she always seems to help out and always make it better in the end."

Abbie is 16 and from Scotland.

10th September - Sheila      

"Our Lady is the greatest woman ever. She’s my mother and our mother."

Sheila is from Kent in England.

11th September - Roly      

"Our Lady for me is Lourdes. I went to Lourdes as a 17 year old and went for 13 years running and what brought me back every year was a love and the mystery of Our Lady, and she has been a driving force throughout my life."

Roly is from the UK.

12th September - Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary - Grace      

"I really find Mary such a figure of a mother - she’s so beautiful and so strong; and her strength is really beautiful and it really helps me every day just to think 'I've got another mother and she's strong and she's here for me.' Every single day she's here for me. She's really beautiful."

Grace is 12 & from England.

13th September - Feast of St John Chrysostom - Omar      

"Our Lady gives me peace and faithfulness."

Omar is 28 & from Malta; he gives his response in English and Maltese.

14th September - Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - Elena      

"Mama noastra, speranța noastră."
(Our mother, our hope.)

Elena is from Fondata, the highest village in Romania, & gives her response in Romanian.

15th September - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - Lana      

"When you are so sad and your heart is broke, Saint Mary can solve everything you want. Just talk with her and you will feel so comfortable and everything will be solved."

Lana is 18 & from Jordan. She gave her response in English and Arabic on an aeroplane (yup, that's the background sound).

16th September - Feast of St Cyprian - Euline      

"Mary is our mother, is all of our mother, but for me she is very special .. Whenever I have my problems, I go to Mary’s feet."

Euline is from Dominica in the West Indies.

17th September - Feast of St Hildegarde of Bingen - Elsa      

"Our Lady is a mother for me and a role model to look up to and somebody who has always got my back."

Elsa is 15 and from England.

18th September - Theresa      

"Our Lady is like a mother because I see Jesus as a brother."

Theresa is 19 and half Irish, half Nigerian.

19th September - Felix      

"Our Lady, she is the Mother of God, she prays for us and she's very holy."

Felix is 12 and from England.

20th September - Marco      

"For me, Our Lady is my mother.

Mia Mamma."

Marco is from Italy.

21st September - Feast of St Matthew - Christine      

"I love Mary. I love Mary as if she were my mother, my real mother."

Christine is 22 and from Malta; she gives her response in English and Maltese.

22nd September - Nicola      

"Our Lady defeated the devil and the devil is scared of her. She said yes to take care of a human baby, Jesus Christ."

Nicola is 6 and from England.

23rd September - Feast of St Padre Pio - Benedict      

"To me, Mary is a mother first and foremost. She's my mother and she has always had a very gentle presence in my life, always been there journeying with me ever since my real coming to the faith. I find that Mary is always there, always with her arms open, and often I've been directed towards her by others to help me with different things in my life. There's a constancy to her presence and it's a gentle joy which I continue to journey with and it makes me very happy to have such a mother."

Benedict is 25 and from England.

24th September - Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham - Cheryl      

"For me, Our Lady calls me back and Walsingham is like a home to me - there's so much peace here, a great feeling of protection and nurturing. I always feel in Walsingham Our Lady puts people on your path for a reason - every conversation, every person we meet is someone or something that we're meant to come across, to discover, a little puzzle piece to our lives to help us live that fiat, that yes, that giving of ourselves each day. And coming back to Walsingham just fills us up in a new way with fresh joy that then gives us the tools to continue on for the next path in the days ahead. So yes, Mary is that mother and she has been so wonderful to me and my family."

Cheryl is from Scotland and with her husband runs Catholic Discipleship College in Auckland, New Zealand.

Our Lady's message to Marija Pavlović, Medjugorje, 25 September 2018

"Dear children! Also nature extends signs of its love to you through the fruits which it gives you. Also, you, by my coming, have received an abundance of gifts and fruits. Little children, how much you have answered to my call, God knows. I am calling you - it is not late - decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. God will bless you and give to you a hundred-fold, if you trust in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."

“Queridos hijos! También la naturaleza les ofrece signos de su amor a través de los frutos que les da. También ustedes, con mi venida, han recibido dones y frutos en abundancia. Hijitos, en qué medida han respondido a mi llamado, Dios lo sabe. Yo los invito: ¡No es tarde, decídanse por la santidad y la vida con Dios en gracia y en paz! Dios los bendecirá y les dará el ciento por uno, si confían en Él. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado."

"Cari figli! Anche la natura vi offre i segni del suo amore attraverso i frutti che vi dona. Anche voi, con la mia venuta, avete ricevuto l’abbondanza dei doni e dei frutti. Figlioli, quanto avete risposto alla mia chiamata, Dio sa. Io vi invito: Non è tardi, decidetevi per la santità e per la vita con Dio nella grazia e nella pace! Dio vi benedirà e vi darà il centuplo, se confidate in Lui. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

25th September - Cameron      

"With Our Lady I think for me I've always associated her with the answering of prayers. My family prayed the rosary when we were growing up each morning and we would state our intentions. And maybe now I'm getting to know her more as a mother and as the face behind which the Holy Spirit likes to hide. Where the Spirit is truly at work, it's actually Our Lady that's there."

Cameron is 35 and from New Zealand.

26th September - Feast of Blessed Paul VI - Mauro      

"I discovered that I have an interesting liaison with Mary because I was born on the day when she gave the scapular to St Simon Stock, an English saint (16 May)... and also I've been to Medjugorje once and from there I started to come back to religion. And now again I've discovered Our Lady of Fatima and all her messages and now I feel much more in peace.  

Ho avuto un'esperienza con la Madonna da quando sono stato mali in Italia e sono stata a Medjugorje ... Posso dire che da quando ho riconosciuto Maria la nessima volta mi sta dando molta pace, molto amore per il prossimo."

Mauro is from Italy.

27th September - Kathleen      

"I feel so close to her. I just feel I love Our Lady. What more can I say?"

Kathleen is from Ireland.

28th September - 40th anniversary of death of Pope John Paul I - Gerry      

"Our Lady is my personal mother. As a mother she has been through the rough times, through my ups, through my downs, but most importantly she is a very personal mother to me. I am also a slave of Mary, so therefore every single action I do, every day I ask her and she never fails. I love her so much."

Gerry, from the Philippines, is with the World Apostolate of Fatima England & Wales.

29th September - Feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael - Tony      

"Our Lady to me is the most special woman in the world that has ever been and she is also the terror of demons."

Tony is 33 & from Stockport (in England).

30th September - Philomena      

"Our Lady is wonderful and she’s Jesus’s mother and she’s very kind."

Philomena is 9 and from Belgium.