Responsible Parenthood
117 (of 129) - Catechesis by John Paul II on the Theology of the Body
General Audience, Wednesday 1 August 1984 - in Italian & Spanish
"1. For today we have chosen the theme of responsible parenthood in the light of Gaudium et Spes and of Humanae Vitae.
In treating of the subject, the Council document limits itself to recalling the basic premises. However, the papal document goes further, giving a more concrete content to these premises.
The Council text reads as follows: "When it is a question of harmonizing married love with the responsible transmission of life, it is not enough to take only the good intention and the evaluation of motives into account; the objective criteria must be used, criteria drawn from the nature of the human person and human action, criteria which respect the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love; all this is possible only if the virtue of married chastity is seriously practiced" (GS 51).
The Council adds: "In questions of birth regulation, the sons of the Church, faithful to these principles, are forbidden to use methods disapproved of by the teaching authority of the Church" (GS 51).
2. Before the passage quoted, the Council teaches that married couples "shall fulfill their role with a sense of human and Christian responsibility, and the formation of correct judgments through docile respect for God." (GS 50). This involves "common reflection and effort; it also involves a consideration of their own good and the good of their children, already born or yet to come, an ability to read the signs of the times and of their own situation on the material and spiritual level, and finally, an estimation of the good of the family, of society and of the Church." (GS 50).
At this point words of particular importance follow, to determine with greater precision the moral character of responsible parenthood. We read: "It is the married couple themselves who must in the last analysis arrive at these judgments before God" (GS 50).
And it continues: "Married people should realize that in their behaviour they may not simply follow their own fancy but must be ruled by conscience—and conscience ought to be conformed to the law of God in the light of the teaching authority of the Church, which is the authentic interpreter of divine law. For the divine law throws light on the meaning of married love, protects it and leads it to truly human fulfilment" (GS 50).
3. The Council document, in limiting itself to recalling the necessary premises for responsible parenthood, has set them out in a completely unambiguous manner, clarifying the constitutive elements of such parenthood, that is, the mature judgment of the personal conscience in relationship to the divine law, authentically interpreted by the Magisterium of the Church.
4. Basing itself on the same premises, Humanae Vitae goes further and offers concrete indications. This is seen, first of all, in the way of defining responsible parenthood (cf. HV 10). Paul VI seeks to clarify this concept by considering its various aspects and excluding beforehand its reduction to one of the "partial aspects, as is done by those who speak exclusively of birth control." From the very beginning, Paul VI is guided in his reasoning by an integral concept of man (cf. HV 7) and of conjugal love (cf. HV 8, 9).
5. One can speak of responsibility in the exercise of the function of parenthood under different aspects. Thus he writes: "In relation to the biological processes involved, responsible parenthood is to be understood as the knowledge and observance of their specific functions. Human intelligence discovers in the faculty of procreating life, the biological laws which involve human personality" (HV 10). If, on the other hand, we examine "the innate drives and emotions of man, responsible parenthood expresses the domination which reason and will must exert over them" (HV 10).
Taking for granted the above-mentioned interpersonal aspects and adding to them the "economic and social conditions," those are considered "to exercise responsible parenthood who prudently and generously decide to have a large family, or who, for serious reasons and with due respect to the moral law, choose to have no more children for the time being or even for an indeterminate period" (HV 10).
From this it follows that the concept of responsible parenthood contains the disposition not merely to avoid a further birth but also to increase the family in accordance with the criteria of prudence. In this light in which the question of responsible parenthood must be examined and decided, there is always of paramount importance "the objective moral order instituted by God, the order of which a right conscience is the true interpreter" (HV 10).
6. The commitment to responsible parenthood requires that husband and wife, "keeping a right order of priorities, recognize their own duties toward God, themselves, their families and human society" (HV 10). One cannot therefore speak of acting arbitrarily. On the contrary the married couple "must act in conformity with God's creative intention" (HV 10).
Beginning with this principle the encyclical bases its reasoning on the "intimate structure of the conjugal act" and on "the inseparable connection of the two significances of the conjugal act" (cf. HV 12), as was already stated. The relative principle of conjugal morality is, therefore, fidelity to the divine plan manifested in the "intimate structure of the conjugal act" and in the "inseparable connection of the two significances of the conjugal act.""
After the catechesis, Papa Giovanni Paolo II greeted the pilgrims in various languages:
Ai pellegrini di lingua francese
Ayant ainsi parlé de la mission des époux, des pères et mères de famille, j’adresse mes salutations et mes vœux à toutes les familles et à tous les pèlerins de langue française. Je leur souhaite de vivre ces vacances dans la joie, sous le regard de Dieu; je fais miennes leurs intentions de prière et je les bénis de tout cœur.
Ai fedeli di espressione inglese
I wish to extend greetings to all the pilgrims and visitors from the English-speaking world. These summer days offer a natural opportunity to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation in the company of family and friends. May your hearts be filled with thankfulness for the gifts of life and friendship. The Lord’s abundant blessings upon you and your loved ones at home.
Ad un gruppo di pellegrini giapponesi
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!
Dilettissimi giapponesi qui presenti, vi ringrazio di cuore per essere venuti a trovarmi dalla vostra terra lontana.
In particolare, raccomando al “Gruppo Don Bosco”, che proseguirà il suo pellegrinaggio a Lourdes e a Fatima, di venerare la Madonna e di pregarla per me.
A tutti voi imparto con affetto la mia Benedizione Apostolica.
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!
Ai pellegrini di lingua tedesca
Möge der Heilige Geist Gottes alle Ehepaare dazu führen, den konkreten Weg zu verantwortlicher Elternschaft in ihrer Ehe aufrichtig zu suchen. Mit diesem Wunsch verbinde ich zugleich einen herzlichen Segegruß an alle Besucher deutscher Sprache, darunter auch die Pilgergruppe aus der Pfarrei St. Jakobus in Schutterwald. Gott segne euch alle!
Ai numerosissimi pellegrini di lingua spagnola
Mi saludo cordial ahora a todos los presentes de lengua española. En especial a las religiosas, a los grupos parroquiales y a los jóvenes venidos de España, México y de otros Países de América Latina. A todos doy mi bienvenida a este encuentro y bendigo de corazón.
Ai pellegrini polacchi nel 40° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Varsavia
“. . . Nie sposób zrozumieć tego miasta, Warszawy, Stolicy Polski, która w roku 1944 zdecydowała się na nierówną walkę z najeźdźcą, na walkę, w której została opuszczona przez sprzymierzone potęgi, na walkę, w której legła pod własnymi gruzami, jeśli się nie pamięta, że pod tymi samymi gruzami legł również Chrystus-Zbawiciel ze swoim Krzyżem sprzed Kościoła na Krakowskim Przedmieściu . . .”.
Przypominam te słowa, wypowiedziane na Placu Zwycięstwa w Warszawie, podczas mojej pierwszej pielgrzymki do Ojczyzny.
Przypominam je dzisiaj, w czterdziestą rocznicę Powstania Warszawskiego, aby oddać hołd wszystkim jego Bohaterom: poległym i żyjącym.
Równocześnie zaś oddaję Bożej Opatrzności przez Panią Jasnogórską moją Ojczyznę i Naród, który w straszliwych zmaganiach drugiej wojny światowej nie szczędził ofiar, aby potwierdzić prawo do niepodległego bytu i stanowienia o sobie na własnej ojczystej ziemi. Powstanie warszawskie było krańcowym tego wyrazem.
Niech wymowa dzisieiszej rocznicy nie przestaje przemawiać do sumienia współczesnego świata.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie moich rodaków przybyłych do Rzymu z różnych stron Ojczyzny, a także z emigracji. A więc pozdrawiam pielgrzymkę rowerową z Łodzi w intencjach Ojca Świętego; pielgrzymkę Duszpasterstwa akademickiego z parafii św. Stanisława Kostki z Poznania-Winiary; pielgrzymkę z Dębicy, z parafii św. Jadwigi Śląskiej; pielgrzymkę z Białej Podlaskiej, z parafii św. Anny i z Niepokalanowa; grupę kolejarzy z Krakowa; grupę PKS z Warszawy; grupę Politechniki Śląskiej z Gliwic; grupę “Orbisu” Warszawa - Poznań - Katowice. Z emigracji: pielgrzymów z Ochard Lake, z Nowego Jorku oraz z Lille, jak też wszystkich innych obecnych. Charakter dnia dzisiejszego, 1 sierpnia, zwraca moją myśl do wydarzeń sprzed czterdziestu lat.
Traduzione italiana delle parole rivolte dal Papa ai pellegrini polacchi
“Non è possibile comprendere questa città, Varsavia, capitale della Polonia, che nel 1944 ha ingaggiato una battaglia impari con l’aggressore, una battaglia nella quale è stata abbandonata dalle potenze alleate, una battaglia in cui è stata sepolta sotto le proprie macerie, se non si ricorda che sotto le stesse macerie c’era anche il Cristo Salvatore con la sua croce, che si trova davanti alla chiesa a Krakowskie Przedmiescie”.
Ricordo queste parole pronunciate in piazza della Vittoria a Varsavia, durante il mio primo pellegrinaggio nella mia patria.
Le ricordo oggi, nel 40° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Varsavia, per rendere omaggio a tutti i suoi eroi, caduti e viventi.
E contemporaneamente affido, mediante nostra Signora di Jasna Gora, alla divina Provvidenza la mia patria e la nazione, che nelle terribili lotte della Seconda guerra mondiale non risparmiò sacrifici, per confermare il diritto all’indipendenza e di decidere di sé nella propria terra patria. L’insurrezione di Varsavia ne fu l’estrema espressione.
Che l’eloquenza dell’odierno anniversario non cessi di parlare alla coscienza del mondo contemporaneo.
Ai pellegrini italiani
Desidero ora rivolgere un saluto cordiale a tutti i pellegrini italiani, e menzionare alcuni gruppi particolari.
Innanzitutto i sacerdoti salesiani provenienti dalle varie Ispettorie d’Italia per un Corso di rinnovamento spirituale, che si concluderà con un pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa. La visita ai luoghi, che furono testimoni dell’attività terrena di Gesù, susciti in voi, cari Fratelli, rinnovato impegno di adesione al Maestro divino, per essere efficaci banditori del suo vangelo fra i giovani di oggi. Con la mia Apostolica Benedizione.
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Partecipa a questa udienza una larga rappresentanza delle Suore Francescane Angeline, le quali celebrano quest’anno il centenario di fondazione del loro Istituto. Care Sorelle, la significativa ricorrenza che state vivendo sia per voi provvidenziale occasione per un tonificante ritorno alle fonti, così che in ciascuna si ravvivi l’originario carisma della Congregazione a gloria di Dio e a servizio dei fratelli. Benedico tutte di cuore.
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Saluto ora i giovani qui presenti, tra i quali nomino quelli del Campo-Scuola di Rocca di Cambio. Carissimi, sono lieto di potervi esprimere il mio apprezzamento per l’impegno col quale, in questi giorni, avete riflettuto sulle prospettive offerte dalle varie forme di volontariato cristiano. Auspico che quest’esperienza vi aiuti ad assimilare sempre meglio lo spirito evangelico del servizio e della gratuità e vi prepari ad essere nella società forze vive di solidarietà e di comunione. Accompagno l’augurio con la mia affettuosa Benedizione.
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Un pensiero particolare desidero dedicare a tutti voi, fratelli e sorelle ammalati che avete voluto partecipare a questa Udienza. Vi invito ad offrire le vostre infermità a Cristo crocifisso, perché dia ad esse un significato salvifico nell’ambito della donazione che Egli ha fatto a Dio nella passione per la vita del mondo (Cf. Gv. 6, 51); e altresì vi chiedo di pregare intensamente per l’umanità, per la Chiesa e anche per me, Successore di San Pietro nella Cattedra di Roma.
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Una parola di compiacimento e di speranza, infine, voglio dire a voi, sposi novelli, che siete venuti a Roma non solo per ammirare le sue singolari bellezze artistiche, ma ancor più per confermare e corroborare, sulle Tombe degli Apostoli e dei Martiri, il vostro amore vicendevole, consacrato nel Matrimonio. Vi auguro di essere sempre fedeli alla grazia del sacramento e di porre la fede cristiana come stabile fondamento della vostra nascente famiglia cristiana.
A tutti la mia Benedizione Apostolica!
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