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Simeon's prophecy associated Mary with the sorrowful destiny of the Son

Blessed John Paul II's Catechesis
18 December 1996 - in English, Italian & Spanish

"1. After recognizing in Jesus “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Lk 2:32), Simeon announces to Mary the great trial to which the Messiah is called and reveals her participation in that sorrowful destiny.

His reference to the redeeming sacrifice, absent at the Annunciation, has shown in Simeon’s prophecy almost a “second Annunciation” (Redemptoris Mater, n. 16), which will lead the Virgin to a deeper understanding of her Son’s mystery.

Simeon, who up to that moment had addressed all those present, blessing Joseph and Mary in particular, now prophesies to the Virgin alone that she will share in her Son’s destiny. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he announces to her: “Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed” (Lk 2:34-35).

2. These words foretell a future of suffering for the Messiah. He is, in fact, “the sign of contradiction”, destined to meet harsh opposition on the part of his contemporaries. But alongside Christ’s suffering Simeon sets the vision of Mary’s heart pierced by the sword, thus uniting the Mother with the sorrowful destiny of her Son.

In this way, while the venerable old man foresees the growing hostility the Messiah will face, he stresses its repercussion on the Mother’s heart. This maternal suffering will culminate in the Passion, when she will unite with her Son in his redemptive sacrifice.

Following an allusion to the first songs of the Servant of the Lord (cf. Is 42:6; 49:6), cited in Luke 2:32, Simeon’s words remind us of the prophecy of the Suffering Servant (Is 52:13; 53:12), who, “wounded for our transgressions” (Is 53:5), “makes himself an offering for sin” (Is 53:10) through a personal and spiritual sacrifice which far exceeds the ancient ritual sacrifices. Here we can note how Simeon’s prophecy allows us to glimpse in Mary’s future suffering a unique likeness to the sorrowful future of the “Servant”.

3. Mary and Joseph are astounded when Simeon proclaims Jesus as a “light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Lk 2:32). Mary, instead, with reference to the prophecy of the sword that would pierce her heart, says nothing. Together with Joseph, she accepts in silence those mysterious words which predict a deeply sorrowful trial and situate the Presentation of Jesus in the temple in its most authentic meaning.

Indeed, according to the divine plan the sacrifice offered then “according to what is said in the law of the Lord, ‘a pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons’” (Lk 2:24), prefigured the sacrifice of Jesus, “for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt 11:29); in it the true “presentation” would be made (cf. Lk 2:22), which would see the Mother associated with her Son in the work of Redemption.

4. Simeon’s prophecy is followed by the meeting with the prophetess Anna: “She gave thanks to God, and spoke of him to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem” (Lk 2:38). The faith and prophetic wisdom of the old woman who nurtures the expectation of the Messiah by “worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day” (Lk 2:37), offer the Holy Family a further incentive to put their hope in the God of Israel. At this particular moment, Anna’s behaviour would have appeared to Mary and Joseph as a sign from the Lord, a message of enlightened faith and persevering service.

Beginning with Simeon’s prophecy, Mary intensely and mysteriously unites her life with Christ’s sorrowful mission: she was to become her Son's faithful coworker for the salvation of the human race."


After his Catechesis, Pope John Paul II greeted the pilgrims at the General Audience in numerous languages:

"Chers frères et soeurs, Je sois heureux d'accueillir les pèlerins de langue française. À quelques jours de la célébration de la Nativité du Seigneur, je les invite à se préparer avec ferveur à recevoir Celui qui vient apporter au monde la paix et la joie de Dieu. Qu'ils en soient, à leur tour, les témoins rayonnants au milieu de leurs frères! À tous j'accorde de grand cour la Bénédiction Apostolique.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am pleased to greet the English-speaking visitors, especially the pilgrim groups from the United States. Upon all of you I cordially invoke the joy and peace of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Ad un gruppo di latinisti svedesi

Linguae Latinae discipulos ac discipulas constantemque eorumdem magistrum placet consalutare qui ex Suetia ad aeternam hanc Urbem accesserunt, loca ipsa pristinae illius loquelae inspecturi. Illorum quidem studium dilaudare iuvat eosdemque simul cohortari ut perseveranter hanc teneant disciplinam, quo largius et antiquorum et christianorum attingant thesaurum et uberius adipiscantur.

Liebe Schwestern und Brüder! Mit der Bitte um die Fürsprache der Muttergottes für uns alle in dieser Adventszeit grüße ich Euch, liebe deutschsprachige Pilger und Besucher, sehr herzlich. Euch, Euren lieben Angehörigen und allen, die uns in der Erwartung der Ankunft des Herrn verbunden sind, erflehe ich die Kraft und das Licht des menschgewordenen Gottes. Mit meinen besten Wünschen für ein gnadenreiches Weihnachtsfest erteile ich Euch allen den Apostolischen Segen.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, con agrado saludo ahora a los peregrinos de lengua española aquí presentes, en particular a Monseñor Ramón de la Rosa y Carpio, Obispo de Higüey, venido a Roma para la bendición de unas imágenes de Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, patrona de la República Dominicana, así como a los fieles de Valencia y Mallorca (España) y a los miembros de la Escuela de Prefectura Naval Argentina. Que la acogida humilde y silenciosa de María y José del designio divino inspire vuestro camino de fe en este tiempo de Adviento. Con este deseo, os imparto de corazón la Bendición Apostólica.

Queridos Irmãos e Irmãs, amados peregrinos de língua portuguesa, possam os vossos corações transbordar de alegria e confiança em Deus, pela esperança que o seu Filho humanado nos traz! Em qualquer situação humana, por mais triste e desesperada que seja, Jesus pode e quer nascer para lhe dar a salvação.

Um santo e feliz Natal para todos!

Ai pellegrini lituani

SVEIKI ATVYKĘ, maldininkai iš Lietuvos! Brangūs Broliai ir Seserys, artėjant džiugioms Šventgjq Kalėdq ir Naujqjtt Metq šventėms, noriu jums palinkėti, kad Viešpats Jėzus, gimęs mums iš Mergelės Marijos, suteiktq malonę nuolatos augti ir brsti meilėje, bei tikroje broliškoje vienybėje. To iš visos širdies linkėdamas, teikiu apaštalinj palaiminimft jums ir visiems jūsi tėvynainiams, ypatmgai vaikams, ligoniams ir esantiems ivairih išbandymq kelyje. Garbė Jêzui Kristui!

Ai fedeli slovacchi

Svel'kou radosfou vitam skupinu « Poslov betlehemského svetla » zo Slovenskej republiky. Drahi moji! Vianoce sú sviatky piné svetla. Ved' Pán Ježiš, ktorého narodenie slávime, prišiel medzi nás ako svetlo a chce svietif všetkým l'udom, aby nik nekráčal vo tme. Preto dobre robite, ked na Vianoce roznášate betlehemské svetlo do všetkých krajov Slovenska. Nech toto vaše gesto pripomína všetkým že čim viac živej viery v Ježiša Krista bude vo vašom lude, tým viac svetla bude vo vašej krajine. Nech vás pri tom sprevádza Panna Mária, ktorá porodila svetu večné svetlo Ježiša Krista. A ja svojim Apoštolským Požeknanim vyprosujem radostné a pożehnané Vianoce vám i celému drakému Slovensku. Pockválený bud' Ježiš Kristus.

Ai pellegrini polacchi

Witam serdecznie pielgrzymów z Polski: ks. bpa Kazimierza Ryczana z Kielc, Bractwo Kurkowe z Krakowa oraz indywidualnych pielgrzymów z różnych miejscowości w Polsce. « Znak, któremu sprzeciwiać się będą » — slowa prorocze, wypowiedziane przez Symeona, kiedy Maryja i Józef przynieśli Jezusa w czterdziestym dniu po narodzeniu do świątyni jerozolimskiej, ażeby Go ofiarować Bogu. Znak, któremu sprzeciwiać się będą ». Proroctwo, które rzutuje w przyszłość, mówi nam o wydarzeniach Wielkiego Tygodnia, Wielkiego Piątku. Symeon zwraca się równocześnie do Matki Jezusa, dodając: «Twoją własną duszę przeniknie miecz». (cf Lk 2,34) Kiedy zastanawiam się nad tymi słowami, przypomina mi się kościół franciszkanów w Krakowie. Z jednej strony kaplica ze stacjami, Drogi Krzyżowej Mehoffera, z drugiej strony kaplica Matki Boskiej Bolesnej. Serce Maryi przebite mieczem, siedmiu mieczami, jak przyjęła tradycja. Wypadła właśnie taka katecheza przed świętami Bożego Narodzenia, ażeby rzucić światło na wszystkie wydarzenia tych czterdziestu dni od nocy betlejemskiej aż do Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej. W tym duchu też pozdrawiam was serdecznie i życzę błogosławionych świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Nowego Roku wszystkim moim rodakom.

Ai fedeli di lingua italiana

Saluo ora tutti i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare la Direzione, gli artisti ed il personale dei Circhi « Meridiano », « Nando Orfei », « Golden Circus » e « Zoo Safari » di Fasano. Rivolgo a voi, cari fratelli e sorelle, il mio cordiale pensiero. Voi formate una grande famiglia viaggiante e, mediante il vostro lavoro, cercate di offrire alla gente, specialmente ai bambini, uno svago sano e sereno. Nel clima del Natale, ormai alle porte, auspico che nel vostro camminare per le strade di tante Regioni e Nazioni continuiate a portare ai piccoli cd ai grandi il vostro tipico messaggio di solidarietà e di serena letizia.


Saluto poi i membri del Presidio militare di Latina, come pure il gruppo di cittadini cinesi residenti a Prato. Carissimi, accogliete l'invito di Gesù alla pace e all'amore; diffondetelo nelle vostre famiglie e nell'ambiente in cui vivote.

Ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli

Siamo ormai vicini al Natale, che riempie i cuori di quella gioia vera, che solo Cristo ci può dare. Cari giovani, vi esorto a prepararvi bene a questa grande festa, che celebra la venuta di Dio fra noi. Possa il Natale retare a voi, cari ammalati, che siete sempre presenti nel mio cuore, la serenità portata sulla terra dal divino Bambino. E vi colmi della sua pace, cari sposi novelli, il Cristo, che a Betlemme ha voluto nascere in una famiglia povera e semplice.

A tutti la mia Benedizione Apostolica."

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