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The intention of virginity

Blessed John Paul II's Catechesis
General Audience in Paul VI Hall, Wednesday, 24 July 1996 - in Italian & Spanish

"1. To the angel who tells her of Jesus' conception and birth, Mary asks a question: "How can this be since I do not know man" (Lk 1:34). Such a query seems surprising, to say the least, if we call to mind the biblical accounts that relate the announcement of an extraordinary birth to a childless woman. Those cases concerned married women who were naturally sterile, to whom God gave the gift of a child through their normal conjugal life (1 Sm 1:19-20), in response to their anguished prayers (cf. Gn 15:2; 30:22-23; 1 Sm. 1:10; Lk 1:13).

Mary receives the angel's message in a different situation. She is not a married woman with problems of sterility; by a voluntary choice she intends to remain a virgin. Therefore her intention of virginity, the fruit of her love for the Lord, appears to be an obstacle to the motherhood announced to her.

At first sight, Mary's words would seem merely to express only her present state of virginity: Mary would affirm that she does not "know" man, that is, that she is a virgin. Nevertheless, the context in which the question is asked: "How can this be?", and the affirmation that follows: "since I do not know man", emphasize both Mary's present virginity and her intention to remain a virgin. The expression she uses, with the verb in the present tense, reveals the permanence and continuity of her state.

2. Mentioning this difficulty, Mary does not at all oppose the divine plan, but shows her intention to conform totally to it. Moreover, the girl from Nazareth always lived in full harmony with the divine will and had chosen a virginal life with the intention of pleasing the Lord. In fact, her intention of virginity disposed her to accept God's will "with all her human and feminine 'I', and this response of faith included both perfect co-operation with the ‘grace of God that precedes and assists' and perfect openness to the action of the Holy Spirit" (Redemptoris Mater, n. 13).

To some, Mary's words and intentions appear improbable, since in the Jewish world virginity was considered neither a value nor an ideal to be pursued. The same Old Testament writings confirm this in several well-known episodes and expressions. In the Book of Judges, for example, Jephthah's daughter who, having to face death while still young and unmarried, bewails her virginity, that is, she laments that she has been unable to marry (Jgs 11:38). Marriage, moreover, by virtue of the divine command, "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gn 1:28), is considered woman's natural vocation which involves the joys and sufferings that go with motherhood.

3. In order better to understand the context in which Mary's decision came to maturity it is necessary to remember that in the period immediately preceding the beginning of the Christian era, a certain positive attitude to virginity began to appear in some Jewish circles. For example, the Essenes, of whom many important historical testimonies have been found at Qumran, lived in celibacy or restricted the use of marriage because of community life and the search for greater intimacy with God.

Furthermore, in Egypt there was a community of women who, associated with the Essene spirituality, observed continence. These women, the Therapeutae, belonging to a sect described by Philo of Alexandria (De Vita Contemplativa, 21-90), were dedicated to contemplation and sought wisdom.

It does not seem that Mary ever knew about these Jewish religious groups which practised the ideal of celibacy and virginity. But the fact that John the Baptist probably lived a celibate life and that in the community of his disciples it was held in high esteem would support the supposition that Mary's choice of virginity belonged to this new cultural and religious context.

4. However, the extraordinary case of the Virgin of Nazareth must not lead us into the error of tying her inner dispositions completely to the mentality of her surroundings, thereby eliminating the uniqueness of the mystery that came to pass in her. In particular, we must not forget that, from the very beginning of her life, Mary received a wondrous grace, recognized by the angel at the moment of the Annunciation. "Full of grace'' (Lk 1:28), Mary was enriched with a perfection of holiness that, according to the Church's interpretation, goes back to the very first moment of her existence: the unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception influenced the whole development of the young woman of Nazareth's spiritual life.

Thus it should be maintained that Mary was guided to the ideal of virginity by an exceptional inspiration of that same Holy Spirit who, in the course of the Church's history, will spur many women to the way of virginal consecration.

The singular presence of grace in Mary's life leads to the conclusion that the young girl was committed to virginity. Filled with the Lord's exceptional gifts from the beginning of her life, she was oriented to a total gift of self—body and soul—to God, in the offering of herself as a virgin.

In addition, her aspiration to the virginal life was in harmony with that "poverty" before God which the Old Testament holds in high esteem. Fully committing herself to this path, Mary also gives up motherhood, woman's personal treasure, so deeply appreciated in Israel. Thus she "stands out among the poor and humble of the Lord, who confidently hope for and receive salvation from him" (Lumen gentium, n. 55). However, presenting herself to God as poor and aiming only at spiritual fruitfulness, the fruit of divine love, at the moment of the Annunciation, Mary discovers that the Lord has transformed her poverty into riches: she will be the Virgin Mother of the Son of the Most High. Later she will also discover that her motherhood is destined to extend to all men, whom the Son came to save (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 501)."

After the Catechesis, Pope John Paul II greeted the pilgrims in various languages

[In Polish] Pozdrawiam wszystkich obecnych Polaków, a także cudzoziemców, którzy uczestniczą w tej audiencji. Juź o. Konrad odczytał listę obecnych. Ja jeszcze pragnę pozdrowić poszczególne grupy parafialne: z Barlinka, Buska-Zdroju, Chmielnika, Ciechanowa, Kielc, Korytkowa Dużego, Markowic, Nowego Sącza, Nowych Skalmierzyc, Płocka, Poznania, Radomia, Rzeszowa, Strzelec Krajeńskich, Wałbrzycha i Wroclawia. Pozdrawiam również grupy młodzieżowe: KSM z Sandomierza i Olsztyna, oazę III stopnia z diecezji włocławskiej, licea z Chełmna i Piły. Pozdrawiam: dzieci niepełnosprawne z Katowic, młodzież z Wrocławia, grupę Loreto 96 z całego świata, grupę Polaków z Litwy oraz Orkiestrę Górniczą z Katowic. Przechodząc miałem sposobność zapoznać się z uczestnikami tej audiencji, przynajmniej z tymi z pierwszego rzędu. Utkwiła mi w pamięci wspólnota Eucharystii i Niepokalanej, w szczególności dlatego, że katechezy środowe są poświęcone tajemnicy Matki Niepokalanej. A więc ta wspólnota nawiązuje do tajemnicy, do przywileju Niepokalanego Poczęcia Bogarodzicy i wiąże równocześnie Niepokalane Poczęcie z Eucharystią. Syn Boży przyszedł na świat jako człowiek, przyjął naturę ludzką z Dziewicy, która była niepokalana i ta właśnie niepokalana Dziewica dała nam Chrystusa-Eucharystię, Chrystusa Odkupiciela świata. Możemy tak to sobie wszystko pięknie powiązać. Równoczénie pozdrawiając wszystkich Polaków, dzisiaj tu zgromadzonych w Bazylice św. Piotra, pragnę przypomnieć, że jest to dzień bł. Kingi. Właśnie dzisiaj wspominamy tę błogosławioną, jedną z błogosławionych Polek, która była - jak wiadomo - Węgierką z urodzenia, ale poślubiła piastowskiego księcia Bolesława i przeszła do naszej polskiej tradycji jako błogosławiona Kinga. Trwają starania o jej kanonizację. W pamięci naszej zarysowała się Kinga także jako pionierka przemysłu. Jest ściśle związana z kopalniami soli w Wieliczce i Bochni. Wszystkim, które noszą imię Kinga lub Kunegunda, życzę błogosławieństwa Bożego. Tak samo wszystkim tu zgromadzonym Polakom z całej Polski. Nawiązując do tradycji milenijnej, której nauczył nas zmarły wielki Prymas Tysiąclecia kard. Wyszyński, zakończmy piewając: « Maryjo, Królowo Polski » - Apel Jasnogórski.

[In French] Chers frères et soeurs, je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française, notamment ceux qui viennent de Guadeloupe, de Syrie et du Liban. Chers amis, je demande à la Vierge Marie de vous accompagner chaque jour et de vous fortifier dans votre condition de disciples du Christ. Sur chacun d'entre vous, j'invoque l'abondance des Bénédictions divines.

[In English] Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am pleased to greet the English-speaking visitors present at today's Audience, especially the pilgrims from England, Scotland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines and the United States. Upon you and your families I cordially invoke the joy and peace of Christ our Saviour.

[In German] Liebe Schwestern und Brüder! Mit dieser kurzen Betrachtung grüße ich Euch alle, liebe deutschsprachige Pilger und Besucher, sehr herzlich. Einen besonderen Gruß richte ich an die Teilnehmer der Jugendwallfahrt der Gebetsgruppen der Freunde Pater Pios, in Begleietung des Herrn Bischofs von Chur. Euch allen, Euren lieben Angehörigen und Freunden daheim sowie den mit uns über Radio Vatikan und das Fernsehen verbundenen Gläubigen erteile ich gern den Apostolischen Segen.

[In Dutch] Nu groet ik de pelgrims afkomstig uit België en Nederland. Мoge dit moment van gebed en overweging bij het graf van de Apostel Petrus, uitdrukking van de universaliteit van de Kerk, uw geloof verdiepen en uw persoonlijke inzet in de eigen plaatselijke gemeenschap versterken. Van harte verleen ik u de Apostolische Zegen.

[In Spanish] Queridos hermanos y hermanas, saludo ahora con afecto a los peregrinos y visitantes de lengua española aquí presentes; en particular a los miembros del Movimiento « Regnum Christi »; a los jóvenes de Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) y demás estudiantes españoles; a la parroquia Sant Genís dels Agudells (Barcelona) y la Agrupación « Castro Floxo », de Orense. Saludo también a los peregrinos procedentes de México, Argentina y Paraguay. Al invitaros a todos a tener a la Virgen María como ejemplo y guía para vuestra entrega a la voluntad divina, os imparto de corazón, así como a vuestras familias, la Bendición Apostólica.

[In Portuguese] Queridos Irmãos e Irmãs, Amados peregrinos de língua portuguesa, dou as boas-vindas a todos, de modo especial ao « Coro das Crianças do Colégio de Santo Américo », em São Paulo. Tendes vossos pais que vos deram a vida, há uns dez, treze anos; mas, há vidas mais longas que a vossa. Na Hungria, o vosso Coro participou nas celebrações do milénio de fundação do Mosteiro Beneditino de São Martinho de Pannonhalma, donde viria a nascer o Mosteiro de São Geraldo que dirige o vosso Colégio. Hoje viestes visitar o Papa e, com ele, a Igreja que, há quase dоis mil anos, foi fundada por São Pedro e São Paulo, aqui em Roma onde foram martirizados pela sua fé e amor a Cristo: amavam-n'O mais que a vida. Sim, na vida, há valores grandes que valem uma vida! Cristo vale a vossa vida. Sede sempre Seus amigos fiéis, com a minha Bênção Apostólica.

[In Croatian] Srdačno pozdravljam vjernike Župe sv. Andrije apostola na Sućidaru u Splitu i Župe sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Postirama na Braču, zatim skupinu mladih iz Varaždina te predstavnike hrvatskih križara koji su došli u povodu 100. obljetnice rodenja sluge Božjega Ivana Merza. Dobro došli! Predragi, svjesni svojega kršćanskog poziva, nastojte u sredini u kojoj živite i radite biti svjedoci evandeoskih vrijednosti kako bi na taj način pridonijeli duhovnom preporodu svojega naroda, sada u ovo poratno doba i na pragu trećega tisućljeća. Na vas ovdje nazočne, na vaše župne zajednice i na vaše obitelji zazivam Božji blagoslov. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

[In Slovakian] S láskou vitam slovenských pútni kov z Bratislavy a z Machuliniec, z Bardejova, zo Spišských Vlách a z Prievidze. Drahí bratia a sestry. Na budúcu botu sa vo vašej vlasti slávi pamiatka svätého Gorazda a spoločníkov. Ich sviatok nám pripomína, že svetlo viery, ktoré na Slovensko priniesli svätý Cyril a Metod, nevyhaslo. Svätý Gorazd ho širil d'alej, a z Božej milosti sa dostalo až k vám. Nedovol'te, aby toto svetlo viery na Slovensku vyhaslo. Zvel'ad'ujte ho vytrvalou modlitbou k Duchu Svätému a oživujte ho skutkami kresťanskej lásky. Nech vás v tom posilňuje príhovon Panny Márie, ako aj moje poštolské požehnanie. Pochválený bud' Ježiš Kristus.

[In Slovenian] Pregragi romarji iz Slovenije: birmanci iz Srednje vasi v Воhinju, skuрno z gospodom župnikom Pavlom Uršičem, in skupina mladih iz Ajdovščine na Goriškem. Naj Vas ta rimski obisk potrdi v krščanskem življenju: biti močan v veri, trden v upanju in dejaven v ljubezni. S to željo Vam podeljujem svoj Apostolski Blagoslov.

[In Lithuanian] Garbė Jėzui Kristui! Džiaugiuosi galimybe pasveikinti maldininkus, atvykusius iš Lietuvos. Šios kelionės ispūdžiai teatnaujina ir tesustiprina jūsų tikéjimą - vilties ir taikos šaltinį, Bažnyčios visuotinumo sampratą, o drauge pasiryžimą visuomet būti kriščiоniškųjų vеrtуbių atspindžiais ir nešėjais. Likite ištikimi Kristui ir Jo amžinajai Tiesai! To nuoširdžiai linkėdamas, laiminu jus, jūsų artimuosius, bei visą jūsų tevynę. Lietuvą, Apaštaliniu Palaiminimu.

[In Hungarian] Szeretettel köszöntelek Benneteket, kedves cserhátsurányi, kiskunmajsai nyíresaholyi zarándokok. Vezessen az Úr Benneteket továbbra is a hit és az igazság útján. Engedje meg nekünk, akik kereszténynek valljuk magunkat, hogy elutasítsunk mindent, ami ezzel a névvel ellenkezik és vállaljuk, ami méltó hozzá. Ezt kérem Tinéktek és az otthoni magyar testvéreknek, Mária, Isten Anyja közbenjárására. Szívból adom Mindnyájatokra Apostoli Áldásomat! Dicsértessék a Jézus Krisztus!

[In Italian] Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini italiani presenti, ed in modo speciale ai sacerdoti partecipanti al IV Corso Internazionale per Rettori e Formatori di Seminari, promosso dai Legionari di Cristo.

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Saluto poi i fedeli della Parrocchia dei Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria, in Vermicino, venuti per festeggiare il 50° anniversario di Ordinazione del loro Parroco, Monsignor Francesco Terribili, come pure i sacerdoti, le religiose ed i laici che celebrano il 2° centenario di fondazione della Congregazione delle Suore della Presentazione di Maria. Carissimi, vi ringrazio per la vostra presenza ed a ciascuno assicuro un particolare ricordo nella preghiera.

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Sono lieto di accogliere le Suore capitolari dell'Istituto delle Missionarie del Sacro Cuore di Santa Francesca Cabrini, accompagnate dalla neo eletta Madre Generale, Suor Lina Colombina. Care Sorelle, auspico di cuore che la vostra recente Assemblea contribuisca a rendere sempre più viva in ciascuna di voi la testimonianza evangelica secondo il carisma della vostra fondazione a servizio dei migranti in ogni parte del mondo.

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Saluto anche le famiglie che hanno adottato bambini di varie nazionalità, i ragazzi della regione di Chernobyl ed i loro accompagnatori, ospiti dell'Arcidiocesi di Spoleto-Norcia, della Parrocchia Santa Croce in Macerata e della città di Spigno Saturnia. Carissimi, augurandovi di trascorrere un sereno periodo di riposo, penso a quanti, invece, non hanno questa possibilità. Ricordo specialmente gli ammalati, gli anziani e le persone sole: possa questo tempo estivo essere per tutti un'occasione di più grande solidarietà.

Ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli

Rivolgo, infine, un saluto ai giovani, agli ammalati, e agli sposi novelli, affidando ognuno alla protezione dei Santi Gioacchino ed Anna, genitori di Maria di Nazareth, dei quali dopodomani celebreremo la memoria liturgica. I Santi Gioacchino ed Anna proteggano voi, cari giovani, che guardate con speranza verso l'avvenire; sostengano voi, cari malati, ad essere testimoni del valore della sofferenza; ed incoraggino voi, cari sposi novelli, a rendere la vostra famiglia luogo di accoglienza generosa della vita. A tutti imparto di cuore una speciale Benedizione.


"Le drammatiche notizie relative all'uccisione di centinaia di tutsi sfollati e inermi, avvenuta in Burundi, e il rimpatrio forzato di migliaia di rifugiati rwandesi hutu nel loro Paese non possono che suscitare orrore e ferma riprovazione.

Il Burundi continua ad affondare in un abisso di violenza che miete vittime tra le persone più indifese: bambini, donne, persone anziane, e che soffoca la voce delle persone e delle forze sociali più moderate.

Associandomi al recente appello dei Vescovi burundesi, invito accoratamente i responsabili di quella cara Nazione a mettere in atto, senza indugi o tentennamenti, ogni possibile iniziativa perché il dialogo civile prevalga sulla logica nefanda delle sopraffazioni etniche.

Voglia la comunità internazionale contribuire a una avveduta concertazione politica e all'aiuto umanitario!

Preghiamo insieme il Signore per i morti e per i vivi: Egli aiuti tutti i burundesi a considerarsi fratelli che si devono amare perché figli dello stesso Dio!"


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